Stars and Stripes

I’m calling this project, camp red white and blue because I call my camp red camp and my painting was inspired by my camp using the flag colors, red white and blue. The subject is a lake with trees in the foreground and mountains and starry sky in the background. I chose to create this specific work because I love going to my camp and now that it is fall I won’t be able to go anymore. When I was creating this I had a more abstract look in mind, and made it clear what the objects were without being super realistic.

For materials, I used sharpie and acrylic paint. I used sharpie as a material to give it a solid and controlled edge . I used a variety of techniques and methods including: outlining and cartoony design. While creating this work, I paid close attention to doing multiple coats. I wanted my artwork to look beautiful and mesmerizing and I did this by making a landscape.

I like the way the background colors are darker than the foreground colors because it gives my project depth. However, I struggled with making the water look more realistic. If I created another work like this I may have added yellow to my blue for the water to give a blue a hint of green more similar to water. My work shows that I learned to make a project given certain colors and shapes as a prompt.