Advanced Studio Art

Semester 1 Reflection

This year I have grown and learned a lot in my artwork. Not only have I figured out what I enjoy creating my work about, but I've also learned what media I like to use while creating my work. I learned that I like bringing attention to pressing issues like climate change in my artwork this semester. Having this purpose in my work helps me discover what I want to create. Painting and drawing these beautiful landscapes to show the beauty the world has to offer makes me feel like I'm showing the world why we are worth saving. I've also begun to discover that my favorites two media to use are watercolor and markers. Watercolor is a very fluid media which I like for blending my colors and creating backgrounds. I also like markers which are a very controlled media that I can use to create the foreground and control the fluidity of the watercolor which I also usually use. I've had the most success this semester discovering myself as an artist and figuring out why I enjoy creating the artwork that I make. I'd say this semester in art class, I've struggled most which finding time to create my work. Because our schedules are so flexible and always changing I find it hard to make time at home to create my works. If I'm not sitting down at school listening to music with no distractions, I find it hard to find time to create my work. My goal going into this second semester of Advanced Studio Art is to find time to make my art. I want to be able to designate a time and create art. I think it's going to be easier moving into spring because I can go outside and create art which I enjoy doing a lot. I also may move into a more political and statement angle of my art and my environmental focus.

Year 1 Reflection

This year I have grown and learned a lot in my artwork and as a person this year in class. Not only have I figured out what I enjoy creating my work about, but I've also learned what makes me want to create art. I learned that I like bringing attention to pressing issues like climate change in my artwork this year. Having this purpose in my work helps me discover what I want to create. Painting and drawing these beautiful landscapes to show the beauty the world has to offer makes me feel like I'm showing the world why we are worth saving. I've also begun to branch out a lot material-wise. I like watercolor and markers because they come more easily to me, but I think using different materials made me step out of my comfort zone and gave me a bit of a challenge. I expanded my materials by using clay and acrylic which are ones I don’t use. I didn’t like clay because I hate the way it makes my hands feel but I loved acrylic and I think I will use it more often. It’s like watercolor but easier to control. I've had the most success this year discovering myself as an artist and figuring out why I enjoy creating the artwork that I make. I'd say this year in art class, I've struggled with creating anything other than landscapes. I feel like my work is so focused and my view of art is so focused on landscapes that it’s hard for me to create anything else. My goal for what I plan on doing in my artwork after high school is to continue creating art. I would say take art classes, but I feel like this will be something I never follow through on. But If I plan to just create artwork as a lighter fun thing it will continue my creativity. I’d like to thank you for everything I’ve been taught and guided through in art these past four years to my amazing art teacher Ms. Medsker.