Sustained Investigation #7

I’m calling this project, Aurora Sunset because the sky in this piece has colors in the sunset but also the colors that are in the Aurora Borealis. I chose to create this specific work because I was inspired by one of the bell ringers to have bring awareness to global warming and environmental issues which is what I hope to continue to do in my pieces. I tried to show the beauty of nature that we so often take for granted to do this. When I was creating this I had a simplistic idea in mind.

For materials, I used watercolor.I used the watercolor to make smooth lines across the page and make simple shapes and forms. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: Blending and outlining. While creating this work, I paid close attention to making sure that the colors flowed together and the lines followed together. I wanted my artwork to be simple and I did that by make simple forms and suing simple colors in he rainbow.

I like the way the sky looks. However, I struggled with the ocean or water. I wanted to show a sort of landscape which was hard to do with such simple lines because you express intense detail like in usual work. If I created another work like this I may try taking away the water and adding more greenery. My work shows that I learned how to make a piece of work from that brings attention to an important topic.