Time Capsules

I’m calling this project, time capsules because I made three different sketches from three different prompts to see how I grow later. I chose to create this specific work because these were the first things that came to mind when she gave me the prompt. When I was creating this I had a more realistic idea in mind.

For materials, I used graphite pencil. I used the pencils to do all three works. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: sketching and geometric shapes. While creating this work, I paid close attention to making sure that I din’t spend more than 20 minuets on each. I wanted my artwork to show that can finish the three prompts in 20 minutes.

I like the way the my face looks from the bottom, However, I struggled with the vacuum as something in my house I despise. If I created another work like this I may do something other than a vacuum. My work shows that I learned how to make a piece of work in 20 minutes.