Digital Inspired

Artist Statement: The subject of my image is the leafy “dome.” I took the net that my stuffed animals usually hang in and propped it up behind a tree/bush and got inside the bush, used flash and then edited the photo. I created that image because I’m trying to represent what Dana Fritz takes pictures of. I edited my image by using the photo app and playing around with the lighting, color, and filters until my project was perfect. I did not change much of my photo other than the way I edited it.

At first I had a bright and popping theme to my photos and soon realized that Dana Fritz’s work was a lot more dark and gloomy, so my project evolved to a more dark and gloomy state. A way that my image relates to my life is because it has a certain tone to it that reminds me of how my days have been, dark and gloomy.

The story behind my image is constructed environment, trying to create the environment to fit your own needs. Something that bothers me about my image is the lighting but without the lighting my image would not be as strong. Another thing that particularly bothers me is that you cannot see the back net, that was supposed to mimic a dome and that is an important aspect to my image. If I didn't have the net My image would have no purpose, I wish that was more evident in my work.