Find Your Voice

I’m calling this project, Do Something because it is a call to action because of the climate crisis The subject is a world who is about to be hung and if we don’t “do something” then the world will be hung by trash and pollution. I chose to create this specific work because I wanted to show my audience that if we don’t do something soon the world is going to die. It also makes the reader think. When I was creating this I had powerful idea in mind to make the reader really think about how their action impact the planet.

For materials, I used sharpie, markers, pen, colored pencils, and watercolor. I used sharpie as a material to give the pieces of trash a solid and controlled edge. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: outlining, shading and contrast. While creating this work, I paid close attention to the detail of the trash. I wanted my artwork to look eye-catching and I did this by adding pops of color in the trash.

I like the way the hanger is made of trash because it gives a powerful message that trash is killing the Earth. However, I struggled with thinking of trash items to draw. If I created another work like this I may have used a different, more powerful sentence. My work shows that I learned how to find a voice through my artwork.