Duck Stamp

I’m calling this project, duck stamp because I want to show my viewer that the duck is meant to be on a stamp. The subject is a Northern Pintail Duck who is in the water of the wetlands. I chose to create this specific work because I wanted to do a simple duck in a beautiful environment. When I was creating this I had a realistic theme in mind to try and make it look like a real Northern pintail duck.

For materials, I used colored pencil and watercolor. I used watercolor for the sunset in the back. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: outlining, and blending. While creating this work, I paid close attention to the feathers on the bird to make it look real I wanted my artwork to look real and I did this by using many sources of pictures.

I like the way the duck is centered in the photo and how the landscape in the back had perspective because it makes it look more real. However, I struggled with the feathers on the duck because after drawing them, it was hard to erase. If I created another work like this I may have started the feathers lightly and then gone over that because the detail sin the feathers were easy to mess up and hard to get rid of. My work shows that I learned how to make art that is realistic and has set prompts.