Darkroom Repitition

The setting of my image is on a table looking at a box of candy. The subject of my images is the box of candy and the candy coming out. I utilized the table, the candy and the shelf to prop the camera. To create the photo I propped te camera on a shelf and pointed it downward towards the box of candy.

Compositions and techniques I used were angle down, high horizon line, and obviously, repetition and grouping. My project evolved because I had to use the candy and keep dumping it out to get the perfect photo.

I chose to create this photo because I knew I needed photos of things grouped together and I love candy, so I put the two together to form a great image! This relates to my life because, Like I stated earlier I love candy and capturing its greatness. Something that particularly bothers me about my image is the black corner. If I were to redo it I would have tried to get all of the table instead of showing part of it off.