Digital Sillouettes

Artist Statement:

The subject of my images is my friends. These images show my friends, being the subjects, with light coming from behind them. The setting of my image is multiple places throughout the, school, houses, and more. We wanted to have light coming from behind the subject so I could get the silhouette aspect. I chose to create this image because I wanted to see how images would look if the light came from behind the subject. I used a lot of balance and obviously the silhouette composition in my photos.

My project evolved because at first, I had one basic idea. To put colored flashlights behind people and see that the subject had colored light coming from behind it. Which I did with a few of my images. But I realized I needed to do more, have a more variety of images so my images looked cooler.

The meaning behind the images is showing how having lights coming behind the subject can look deep and look like it has a story behind it even though it doesn't. My project relates to my life because everybody sees the light and happiness of me but may not realize that I'm feeling sad. One thing I don't like about my images is that some of them you can see the subject alittle bit.