Coronavirus Piece

I’m calling this project, The Other Side because it shows the other side of life after the coronavirus pandemic The subject is a beach, ferris wheel, mask and 6 Ft sign . I chose to create this specific work because I was looking forward to my last summer before senior year and going to the fairs and getting my license and now i can’t do any of these things. When I was creating this I had a double-sided idea in mind.

For materials, I used and can and acrylic paint. I used the can to give it form and the paint to give it color and design. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: dotting and blending. While creating this work, I paid close attention to making sure that the colors correlated to the the side they were on. I wanted my artwork to show the different sides and I did this by making the coronavirus side dark and the after side lighter.

I like the way the sides blend into each other However, I struggled with doing more coats because I did three coats and it still was opaque. If I created another work like this I may used a different form. My work shows that I learned how to make a piece of work using a current day prompt.