Digital Multiplicity Portraits

Artist Statement: The subject of my images is my sister and I. These images show multiple subjects while using the same subject as well. The setting of my image is in my basement. We wanted to have Christmas lighting in our photos because lighting in the photo is the most important factor in multiplicity photos. If the lighting changes whatsoever you can't layer the photos without messing up the whole image. We made the image by setting a timer on the camera and getting into place. We had to stay still and keep the camera still between each photo so we could layer them onto each other. without a jumbled set of images. I chose to create this image because it could show multiple emotion and subject using one subject. I used a lot of space and balance in my photos because the people could not be touching because I wouldn't be able to layer them correctly. It is arranged to be able to layer these three images together.

I used grouping in my image by using multiple people in my image. My project was first only showed using color selection It evolved by adding the multiplicity aspect.

The meaning behind the images is showing how a person can have multiple personalities. My project relates to my life because I am feeling many things at the same time like stress, anger, and sadness. One thing I don't like about my images is the picture of my sister kind of overlaps a little bit so I would change that if I could. I would revise it by redoing the picture of my sister to not overlap the images.