
Semester 1 Reflection

This semester I have learned a lot about myself as an artist. I have been successful with learning why I like to make art. I like to make art because it is a way to express emotions without having to say them out loud. I have also been successful with finding my voice through art and showing what I believe this semester. I think I have been successful with my growth as an artist, I have learned how I can express what I feel and believe through art. A specific project I was successful with was the find your voice because I found my voice and found what I wanted to show to the world.

I have struggled with having an idea, but trying to find a way to express it. When I get an idea I have a hard time trying to figure out how to express it. When I do find out how to express what I want to show, I struggle with trying to choose which medias to use. I struggled specifically with the inclusion project because I had a good idea but trying to find which medias to use was hard. I also struggled with trying to show depth in this project.

I have many artistic goals after this semester. One being, no matter the prompt to always do something that has meaning behind it because I always do better when I am passionate about my work. If I try to make work with no meaning behind it, I never do good because I have no reason to. Another artistic goal I have is to continue to make art. Second semester I am taking advanced theater so I am not taking a visual art class, I hope to continue to make art when I have time.