Foundations of Art

My work throughout this year of Foundations of Art has drastically developed. Before this year I did not know how to mix paint properly let alone carve linoleum. This class has helped me become a more experienced artist and teach me new things about what my strengths are and what my weaknesses are. I am very excited to continue my art journey into 2D design. I think I need to be less critical of my work and wait until the final piece is done because it usually comes together nicely in the end.

I think some of the most challenging pieces of this class would be the charcoal project and the mixing paint projects. The charcoal projects I had a very hard time with because the tortiliens were very very hard to use and they did not help to blend the charcoal at all. I also had a hard time mixing paints because it was hard for me to get the right colors and keep the paints in the small areas so I redid the project for my final independent project.

I am most proud of my pure contour animal piece because it was very big and had many sections of watercolor and many sections of zentangles which took a very long but I think it looks very good. I was my most complex and beautiful piece.

I think my work shows my weaknesses and strengths as a learner because it is clear, by looking at my landing page, that acrylic painting is not my strong suit. But looking at other paintings, you can see I enjoy and am better at watercolor. Looking at my page you can see some weaknesses and strengths, but I think overall art this year was very successful for me.