Selmer 220

According to one bulletin board, the model 200 has normal nickel/chrome key work. While the 220 has gold plated keys.

I fixed this one for Stephen at ScalingBarriers. says that this model was made in the late 1980s to the early 1990s, and sold for $3,000.

Serial # 1238

Barrel: 64.3mm

Bore LH joint top: 14.6mm

Bore LH joint at bottom: 14.4mm Looks like and plays like polycylindrical.

Intonation results taken when playing loud and trying not to lip notes into tune. See how to interpret these results on the Model Comparison Page.

Intonation summary: This is not as good intonation as modern top models, but very close. The low throat tone F is a bit worrisome. Still, if I was not testing so loud, it and especially the throat tone B-flat would not be flat at all.

Key work quality: Gold plating. This would be embarrassing for most students. If you have a gold plated clarinet, either you are not afraid to be different, or you play first chair, or both. The keys themselves seemed a bit light in weight. I wonder if Selmer used a different alloy for these keys. I didn't need to actually bend any, to find out how sturdy they are.

This clarinet is most appropriate for: advanced players wanting to make a bold visual appearance.