Yamaha YCL-24
Thanks to Mike Hinkle for giving me the opportunity to review this clarinet.
Serial #09820x
Barrel: 66.35mm
Bore LH joint top: 15.13mm
Bore LH joint at bottom: 14.86mm
Unlike the YCL-20 and 250, this clarinet doesn’t say it were it was manufactured. (The 250 was made in Indonesia.) There must have been stickers on all the joints, and they have all come off over the years.
Intonation results taken when playing loud and not lipping. See how to interpret these results on the Model Comparison Page.
For this test, I pulled 1mm at the barrel and 0.5mm at the center tenon.
Intonation summary: I should have pulled out a bit more. This is very nice intonation for a student instrument. If the throat tones were played more softly, they would not be flat.
Key work quality: Fantastic. I needed to bend a key and it kept springing back to the original position.
This clarinet is most appropriate for: Beginning to intermediate players.
Condition issues noted: none.