Czechoslovakian Stencil Clarinets

This page is just a bare beginning.

I only know of one Czechoslovakian maker: Kohlert's Sons Kraslice. I believe that this company later became Amati.

Kohlert went through several name changes: Kohlert & Sons, Kohlert Sons, V. Kohlert's Sons, and probably more variations.

Kraslice is a city in Czechslovakia, and likely where Kohlert and his sons were initiall based, and possibly where the instruments themselves were produced.

Amati is often seen stamped as Amati-Kraslice or Amati Kraslice. This would seem to indicate that Kohlert turned into Amati at some point in the 1980s, perhaps.

However, there are reports of plastic Kohlert-branded clarinets dating to as late as the early 2000s. This could just be a case of a Chinese manufacturer reviving a dead name.

In 1993, Czechoslovakia split up and clarinets produced after this are marked "Made in Czech Republic."

Czech stencil clarinets:

  • Andre Chabot (The clarinet might have been made in France, but the keys look to be Czech-made.)
  • Doucet
  • Jean Barde
  • La Paree