Travel Plan

Lea Forest Primary Academy - Active Travel Plan

Lea Forest Primary Academy participates in the ModeShift STARS Programme and currently working towards our Gold Star accreditation.

ModeShift STARS inspires children to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling. Mode Shift STARS supports pupils’ wellbeing, helps to reduce congestion at the school gates and improve road safety and air quality.

We actively encourage our Lea Forest Academy families to walk or cycle to school as part of a healthy active lifestyle.

What is active travel?

Active travel means walking or cycling as a means of transport in order to get to a particular destination such as work, the shops or to visit friends. It does not cover walking and cycling done purely for pleasure, for health reasons, or simply walking the dog. Active travel can be for complete journeys or parts of a journey.

What are the benefits?

Active travel can:

What can you do?

Consider how you currently travel: have you thought about parking or getting off the bus ten minutes away from where you’re going and walking the last bit?

Encourage your child to use healthy ways to travel and record their trips to school on our travel tracker. 

Follow Birmingham Connected @bhamconnected to see how you could incorporate Active Travel into your journey's around Birmingham and the West Midlands.

We as a school are committed to promoting active and safe travel.  Throughout this year we have run the following activities to support healthy and sustainable travel:

We are always looking for new ideas and how we can further reduce pollution and traffic around our school site and would welcome opinions on how we could tackle travel and transport issues.  Therefore if you have any ideas on how we could further promote active travel, please feel free to email 

At Lea Forest we actively encourage our pupils and staff to walk, scoot or cycle to school as they:

How do we do this? 

We understand that sometimes there is no alternative to driving to school.

Please note that the decision on whether a child is competent to cycle or scoot to school is for the parent(s) or carer(s) to make. The school has no liability for any consequences arising from this decision.

Lea Forest's Park and Stride zone.

Show you care, park elsewhere

At Lea Forest we ask that all of our community members sign up to our Road Safety Pledge and park in a safe and legal manner when visiting our school, dropping off or collecting your child.

Please make sure that you keep our entrances clear and don't park on the zig zag markings or cause an obstruction by blocking drives or the roads around our school.

We work in partnership with the local parking enforcement team from West Midlands Police and will report any vehicle that is parked in a dangerous manner.

What we ask of parents.

What we ask of pupils.

Anything Else?

Families with transport difficulties are asked to speak with our Pastoral team. We are able to provide pick up and drop off services using the school minibus on a first come first served basis for families that have no alternative means of getting to or from the school site and will do our best to support families experiencing difficulties.

We also work in partnership with the University of Birmingham Birmingham City Council and Airly as part of the #LetSchoolsBreathe and #BrumBreathes campaign to monitor air pollution around our school site and will be working with parents and community leaders to further reduce levels this year.

Updated May 2023