Clitopilus vernalis Har. Takah. & Degawa, Mycoscience (2011) Volume 52, Number 5, 312-318.
≡ Entoloma vernalis (Har. Takah. & Degawa) V. Papp & Dima, in Papp, Index Fungorum 223: 1 (2015)
針葉樹およびスダジイの腐木上に発生し、子実体はモリノカレバタケ型で、亜球形で不明瞭な角形をなす担子胞子を形成し、偽シスチジアを欠き、クランプを持つ性質があります。これらの性質に基づき Baroni (1981)および Singer (1986)の分類概念によるムツノウラベニタケ属ニオイイチメガサ節に近縁と考えられます。
2015年にIndex Fungorumにおいて根拠やデータが何も示されないまま上記のようにEntoloma属との新組み合わせが提唱されています。
2009年2月18日, 神奈川県小田原市入生田, 樹皮が剥がれたアカマツの腐木上
2007年3月9日, 神奈川県小田原市入生田, 樹皮が剥がれたアカマツの腐木上
weakly angular to obscurely undulate basidiospores.
肉眼的特徴: 傘は径11-30 mm, 最初半球形~饅頭形で縁部は内側に巻き, 老成するとほ
ぼ平開し, 時に中央部がなだらかに凹むかまたは浅くへそ状に凹む; 表面は粘性を欠き, 最初
粉状, のち平滑になり, 吸水性, 湿時半透明の条線を表し, 帯灰黄色またはオリーブ褐色, 中央
部は暗オリ-ブ褐色を帯び, 乾燥すると次第に色あせて帯褐灰色を呈する. 肉は薄く (2 mm以
下), 帯灰黄色, 特別な味や臭いはない. 柄は10-20 × 1.5-4 mm, ほぼ上下同大または基部が
やや拡大し, 中心生, 円柱形, しばしば屈曲し, 中空; 表面は全体に粉状を呈するが老成すると
平滑なり, 粘性を欠き,帯灰黄色を帯び, 頂部に向かってやや淡色を呈する; 根元に白色綿毛
状菌糸体が存在する. ヒダは上生~ほぼ離生, やや疎 (柄に到達するヒダは15-24), 1-3の小
ヒダを交え, 幅 3-5 mm, 白色, 未成熟な段階では灰褐色を帯び, 成熟すると次第に灰褐色~
紫褐色を呈する; 縁部は全縁, 同色.
顕微鏡的特徴: 担子胞子は(5-)5.5-6(-7) × (4-)5-5.5 μm, 亜球形~短楕円形, 不明瞭な
角形をなし, 無色または淡紅色, 非アミロイド, 薄壁. 担子器は25-30 × 7-10 μm, こん棒形, 4
胞子性; 縁シスチジアおよび側シスチジアはない. 子実層托実質は平列型; 菌糸細胞は径3-
15 μm, 円柱形, 平坦, 無色, 非アミロイド, 薄壁. 傘の上表皮層は平行菌糸被; 構成菌糸は径3
-11 μm, 円柱形, 平坦, 傘の周辺部において無色, 傘の中央部では淡褐色の色素が細胞内
部に存在し, 稀に隔壁にクランプを有する; 末端細胞は75-150 × 5-15 μm, 亜こん棒形~亜
紡錘形, 平坦, 無色または淡褐色の色素が細胞内部に存在し, 薄壁. 傘実質の菌糸は径7-
22 μm, 円柱形~やや膨大し, 平坦, 無色. 柄の表皮組織は平行菌糸被; 構成菌糸は径3-7
μm, 平坦, 無色または淡褐色の色素が細胞内部に存在し, 薄壁, 時にクランプを有する; 末端
細胞は40-70 × 4-8 μm, 傘の末端細胞に類似する. 柄の根元の菌糸体は緩く錯綜した菌糸
からなる; 構成菌糸は径3-7 μm diam, 円柱形, 平坦, 無色, 薄壁, 稀にクランプが存在し, 分化
生態: 孤生または散生, 春季(二月~四月) 樹皮が剥がれたアカマツおよびスダジイの腐木上に発生.
分布: 日本 (埼玉県飯能市?, 神奈川県小田原市, 兵庫県神戸市, 奈良県春日山?) .
供試標本: KPM-NC0017291 (Holotype予定), 神奈川県小田原市入生田, 樹皮が剥がれた
アカマツの腐木上, 標高66 m, 2009年2月18日, 採集者: 出川洋介; KPM-NC0017290 same
place, March 9, 2007, coll. Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0017292, same place, March 17, 2007, coll.
Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0017293, same place, March 1, 2009, coll. Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0017294,
same place, March 5, 2009, coll. Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0015530, same place, Apr. 3, 2008, coll.
Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0016694, same place, Mar. 3, 2008, coll. Oka, H.; KPM-NC0016745,
same place, Mar. 20, 2009, coll. Kabasawa, Y.; KPM-NC0017295, 兵庫県神戸市北区, アカマツ
の腐木上, 標高400 m, 2009年3月15日, 採集者: 幸徳伸也
コメント: 本種は粉状を帯びた傘と柄を持つモリノカレバタケ型の子実体を形成し, 担子胞子
は亜球形で不明瞭な角形をなし, 樹皮が剥がれたアカマツなどの針葉樹の腐木上に発生す
る. モリノカレバタケ型の子実体, 偽シスチジアの欠如, クランプの存在を重視すれば, Baroni
(1981)および Singer (1986)の分類概念によるムツノウラベニタケ属ニオイイチメガサ節
(section Rhodophana (Kuhner) Singer of the genus Rhodocybe) に近縁と考えられる.
ニオイイチメガサ節において本種は, 材上から発生し, 子実層にシスチジアを欠く点でボリビ
ア産Rhodocybe lignicola Singer (Singer 1961)およびニュージーランド産 Clitopilus
albovelutinus (G. Stev.) Noordel. & Co-David (Horak 1971) と特徴を共有している. しかしなが
らR. lignicola は赤褐色の傘と柄を有し, 一方 C. albovelutinus はビロ-ド状の傘と偏在生~側
ニオイイチメガサ節以外では, 材上生の性質と偽シスチジアを欠く点で次の2種との類縁が考
えられる: 北ボルネオ産Clitopilus tergipes (Corner & E. Horak) Noordel. & Co-David (Horak
1978); メキシコ産Rhodocybe rickii var. convexa (Singer) Singer (Singer 1961). Clitopilus
tergipes は偏在生~側生の柄を持つカヤタケ型の子実体を形成し, クランプを欠く点で明らか
にハルノウラベニタケとは異質である. Rhodocybe rickii var. convexa はアーチ形に垂生する
ヒダと中実の柄を持ち, クランプを欠く点で本種と異なる.
タスマニア産Rhodocybe amara T.J. Baroni & G.M. Gates (Baroni and Gates 2006) は子実
体の外観がハルノウラベニタケにやや似ているが, ヒダが垂生し, 子実層に偽シスチジアが存
在し, クランプを欠き, 地上から発生する特徴において本種と一致しない. ガイアナ産
Rhodocybe pruinosostipitata T.J. Baroni, Largent & Aime (Henkel et al. 2010) も子実体の色,
粉状の柄, 材上生の特徴においてハルノウラベニタケに類似するが, 子実層に偽シスチジアを
有し, クランプを欠く点で本種と区別できる.
Co-David et al. (2009)は分子系統の解析結果の再構築並びに担子胞子の形態学的
構造に関する進化論的解釈に基づき, Clitopilus属の担子胞子はRhodocybe属の担子胞子か
ら進化したという見解を提起している. この見解に従えばClitopilus属とRhodocybe属の間に系
統的に属レベルでの有意差が認められなくなることから両属は統合され, 命名規約上Clitopilus
属が有効名になる. この処置に伴い, 従来Rhodocybe属に置かれてきた日本産既知種は以下
1) ツチウラベニタケ Rhodocybe crepidotoides Singer → Clitopilus crepidotoides
(Singer) Noordel. & Co-David,
2) ニオイイチメガサ Rhodocybe nitellina (Fr.) Singer → Clitopilus nitellinus (Fr.) Noordel.
& Co-David,
3) ハダイロウラベニタケ Rhodocybe gemina (Fr.) Kuyper & Noordel. → Clitopilus
geminus (Paulet) Noordel. & Co-David. [= Rhodocybe truncata (Schaeff.) Singer]
4) イナバノウラベニタケ Rhodocybe roseiavellanea (Murrill) Singer → Clitopilus
roseiavellaneus (Murrill) Murrill
5) ムツノウラベニタケ Rhodocybe popinalis (Fr.) Singer → Clitopilus popinalis (Fr.) P.
Kumm.[= Rhodocybe mundula (Lasch) Singer].
Clitopilus vernalis Har. Takah. & Degawa, Mycoscience (2011) Volume 52, Number 5, 312-318.
Macromorphological features:
Pileus (Figs.1-3) 11-30 mm diam, when young hemispherical to convex with incurved
margin, in age becoming broadly convex to applanate, sometimes with depressed to shallowly
umbilicate center; surface moist to dry (not viscid), pruinose at first, then glabrescent,
hygrophanous, pellucid-striate when moist; greyish yellow (4C3-7) or olive brown (4D4-6),
darker olive brown (4F3-4F6) on the disc, fading to greyish beige (4C2) to brownish grey
(4D2) in age and with moisture loss. Flesh thin (up to 2 mm), greyish yellow (4C3-4). Odor
and taste not distinctive. Stipe 10-20 × 1.5-4 mm, central, terete, cylindrical, almost equal
or slightly enlarged at the base, sometimes flexuous, hollow; entirely pruinose, glabrescent in
age, dry, arising from white mycelial tomentum; greyish yellow (4B3-4 to 4C3-4), paler
toward the apex. Lamellae adnexed to free, subdistant (15-24) with 1-3 series of lamellulae,
broad (3-5 mm), thin, greyish brown (10E3-11E3) when young, greyish brown (10F3-11F3) to
violet brown (10F4-5 to 11F4-5) in mature specimens; edges even, concolorous.
Micromorphological features:
Basidiospores (Fig. 4) (5-)5.5-6(-7) × (4-)5-5.5 μm (Q = length/breadth: 1.1),
subglobose to shortly ellipsoid, weakly angular to obscurely undulate, hyaline or pinkish white
(7A2) to pale red (7A3), inamyloid, thin-walled. Basidia 25-30 × 7-10 μm, clavate to
broadly clavate, 4-spored. Pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia none. Hymenophoral trama
regular; element hyphae 3-15 μm wide, cylindrical, smooth, non-gelatinous, hyaline, thin-
walled. Pileipellis a cutis of repent, cylindrical hyphae 3-11 μm wide, smooth, hyaline at the
margin of pileus, with pale brownish cytoplasmic pigment at the center of pileus, non-
gelatinous, infrequently with clamped septa; terminal cells 75-150 × 5-15 μm, cylindrical-
subclavate to subfusiform, smooth, hyaline or with pale brownish cytoplasmic pigment, thin-
walled. Pileus trama composed of loosely interwoven hyphae 7-22 μm wide, cylindrical to
somewhat inflated, smooth, hyaline, non-gelatinous. Hypodermium undifferentiated.
Stipitipellis a cutis of parallel, cylindrical hyphae, 3-7 μm wide, smooth, hyaline or with pale
brownish cytoplasmic pigment, non-gelatinous, thin-walled, occasionally with clamped septa;
terminal cells 40-70 × 4-8 μm, similar to those of the pileipellis. Basal tomentum
composed of loosely arranged hyphae 3-7 μm wide, cylindrical, smooth, hyaline, non-
gelatinous, thin-walled, infrequently with clamped septa, lacking differentiated terminal cells.
Habitat: Solitary or scattered, lignicolous on dead fallen decorticated log of Pinus
densiflora Siebold & Zucc., spring (February to April).
Known distribution: Japan (Hyogo, Kanagawa) .
Specimens examined: KPM-NC0017291 (holotype), Iryuda, Odawara-shi, Kanagawa
pref., on dead fallen decorticated log of P. densiflora, 66 m alt., Feb. 18, 2009, coll. Degawa,
Y.; KPM-NC0017290, same place, March 9, 2007, coll. Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0017292, same
place, March 17, 2007, coll. Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0017293, same place, March 1, 2009, coll.
Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0017294, same place, March 5, 2009, coll. Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0015530,
same place, Apr. 3, 2008, coll. Degawa, Y.; KPM-NC0016694, same place, Mar. 3, 2008, coll.
Oka, H.; KPM-NC0016745, same place, Mar. 20, 2009, coll. Kabasawa, Y.; KPM-NC0017295,
Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo pref., on dead fallen log of P. densiflora, 400 m alt., March 15, 2009,
coll. Koutoku, S.
Etymology: from Latin, vernalis = vernal.
Japanese name: Haruno-urabenitake.
Comments: Clitopilus vernalis has the characteristics of collybioid basidiomata with a
pruinose, greyish yellow pileus and stipe, subglobose, obscurely undulate basidiospores, and a
basidiome formation on the dead fallen decorticated log of P. densiflora in spring.
Its non-decurrent hymenophore, the absence of pseudocystidia, and the presence of
clamp connections at least in the pileipellis and the stipitipellis suggest that C. vernalis is
closely related to members of the section Rhodophana (Kuhner) Singer (Baroni 1981; Singer
1986) of the genus Rhodocybe.
Within the section, Rhodocybe lignicola Singer from Bolivia (Singer 1961) and Clitopilus
albovelutinus (G. Stev.) Noordel. & Co-David from New Zealand (Horak 1971) have
lignicolous habits and lack hymenial cystidia in common with C. vernalis. But the former
differs from C. vernalis in having a reddish brown pileus and stipe, and the latter can be
distinguished from the species by the velvety-fibrillose pileus and the eccentric to lateral
Apart from the section Rhodophana, C. vernalis seems to be also closely related to the
following two taxa, if we emphasize the lignicolous habit and the lack of pseudocystidia:
Clitopilus tergipes (Corner & E. Horak) Noordel. & Co-David from North Borneo (Horak
1978); Rhodocybe rickii var. convexa (Singer) Singer from Mexico (Singer 1961). Clitopilus
tergipes differs from C. vernalis in having whitish basidiomata with decurrent lamellae and an
eccentric or lateral stipe, pale brown, encrusted pigmentation in the hyphae of the pileipellis,
and lacking clamp connections. Rhodocybe rickii var. convexa is distinct in forming arcuate-
decurrent lamellae, solid stipe, and lacking clamp connections.
Rhodocybe amara T.J. Baroni & G.M. Gates from Tasmania (Baroni and Gates 2006) is
somewhat similar to C. vernalis in appearance; however it does not correspond to the
present species for reasons of the decurrent hymenophore, presence of hymenial
pseudocystidia, absence of clamp connections, and terrestrial habit. Clitopilus vernalis is
also comparable with Rhodocybe pruinosostipitata T.J. Baroni, Largent & Aime from Guyana
(Henkel et al. 2010) in the colors of the basidiomata, the pruinose stipe, and the lignicolous
habit, although it can be distinguished from C. vernalis by having hymenial pseudocystidia,
incrusted hyphae in the outer stipe trama, and lacking clamp connections.
Recently, Co-David et al. (2009) clarified that there is no significant difference between
Clitopilus and Rhodocybe at the generic rank based on analysis of the phylogenetic
reconstruction and evolution of basidiospores; therefore, they transferred the nodulose-
spored taxa of Rhodocybe to Clitopilus. We accept their broad concept of Clitopilus and
relegate the present fungus to that genus.
Baroni TJ (1981) A revision of the genus Rhodocybe Maire (Agaricales). Beih Nova
Hedwigia 67:1-194
Baroni TJ, Gates GM (2006) New species and records of Rhodocybe (Entolomataceae,
Agaricales) from Tasmania. Australian Systematic Botany 19:343-358
Co-David D, Langeveld D, Noordeloos ME (2009) Molecular phylogeny and spore evolution of
Entolomataceae. Persoonia 23:147-176
Henkel TW, Aime MC, Largent DL, Baroni TJ (2010) The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima
Mountains of Guyana: new species of Rhodocybe. Mycoscience 51:23-27
Horak E (1971) A contribution towards the revision of the Agaricales (fungi) from New
Zealand. N Z JBot 9(3): 403-462
Horak E (1978) Notes on Rhodocybe Maire. Sydowia 31: 58-80
Kornerup A, Wanscher JH (1983) Methuen handbook of colour. Eyre Methuen, London
Singer R (1961) Fungorum novorum agaricalium. Sydowia 15:45-83
Singer R (1986) Agaricales in modern taxonomy, 4th edn Koeltz, Koenigstein
Takahashi H, Degawa Y (2011) Two new species of Agaricales and a new Japanese record
for Boletellus betula from Japan. Mycoscience Volume 52, Number 5, 312-318.