
Boletus cepaeodoratus Taneyama & Har. Takah., Mycoscience Volume 54:458-468, 2013

(Available online 25 April 2013: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/


  MycoBank no.: MB564208

  Etymology: from Latin, cepaeodoratus = smelling like onion. 

Basidioma of Boletus cepaeodoratus (Holotype): Bar 20 mm. 種山裕一氏撮影

Micromorphological features of Boletus cepaeodoratus (Holotype): 23 Elements of the 

pileipellis. 24 Cheilocystidia. 25 Pleurocystidia. 26 Basidiospores. 27 Basidia. 28 Caulocystidia 

from the upper portion of stipe. 29 Caulocystidia from the lower portion of stipe. 30 

Caulobasidia. Bars 23-25 and 27-30 20 μm, 27 10 μm. 原図: 種山裕一氏


Boletus cepaeodoratus Taneyama & Har. Takah., Mycoscience Volume 54:458-468, 2013

生態: アカマツ (Pinus densiflora), クヌギ (Quercus acutissima)ミズナラ(Q. crispula), コナラ 

(Q. serrata)が混交した林内地上に孤生~散生, 7月~9月. 

分布: 日本 (長野, 新潟, 石川). 


1)ヤマドリタケ型の子実体を形成し, 傘の表面は平滑で帯紅赤色を呈する. 

2) 柄は通常上部を中心に繊細な網目模様を表し, 帯褐赤色を帯びる.

3) 肉は空気に触れると徐々に青変し, 乾燥したタマネギ臭を発する. 

4) 子実層托は相対的に短い (6 mm 以下). 

5) 縁シスチジアは短形で複数の隔壁を持ち, 末端部はやや膨大化する. 

6) 柄シスチジアは複数の隔壁を持ち, 狭紡錘形または類こん棒形~類円柱形で, 褐色の内容



  ヤマドリタケ型の子実体を形成し, 柄の表面に繊細な網目模様を表し, 管孔内部と同色の

微細な孔口を持つ性質は, 本種がSinger (1986) の分類概念によるアミアシイグチ節 (Section

Appendiculati Konr. & Maubl.) に属することを示唆している. アミアシイグチ節の子実体の類型

は多くの点でウラベニイロガワリ節 (Section Luridi Fr. sensu Singer 1986)と共通するが, ウラ



  節内において本種は欧州を中心に分布するアケボノヤマドリタケ B. regius Krombh. 

(Krombholz 1832; Singer 1967; Leclair and Essette 1969; Alessio 1985; Bessette et al. 2000; 

Mu?os 2005)および北米から最初に記載されたアカジコウB. speciosus Frost (Frost 1874; 

Snell and Dick 1970; Bessette et al. 2000)に子実体の外観が類似するが, これらは2種類とも

柄の表面が全体にレモン黄色を呈し, 子実層托は肉と比べて相対的に長く, 頂部に嘴状突起


  ニオイバライロイグチはまた以下の北米産種と共通する肉眼的特徴を示す: B. bicolor var. 

subreticulatus A.H. Sm. & Thiers (Smith and Thiers 1971; Grund and Harrison 1976; 

Bessette et al. 2000); B. carminiporus Bessette, Both & Dunaway (Bessette et al. 1998, 

2000); B. sensibilis var. subviscidus A.H. Sm. & Thiers (Smith and Thiers 1971). Boletus

bicolor var. subreticulatus は濃赤色, ビロード状の傘を持ち, アルカリ溶液により褐色に染ま

り, 紡錘形の縁シスチジアを形成する点でニオイバライロイグチと異なる. Boletus carminiporus

は子実層托がかなり長く (12 mmに達する), 暗赤色~帯褐赤色の孔口を有し, 肉が変色性を

欠き, アルカリ溶液によりオリーブ灰色に染まると言われている. Boletus sensibilis var. 

subviscidus は肉が強い青変性を示すこと, 網目を欠き, 橙色~帯赤褐色の柄を持つこと, そし


  「北陸のきのこ図鑑」においてニシキイグチ, アジナシアシベニイグチとして掲載されている

種については, 科博に収められた両種の標本を検討した種山裕一氏によるとニオイバライロイ

グチと形態学的に良く一致し, 同一種と見なすのが妥当とされている.


Macromorphological features:

  Pileus (Fig. 22) (55-) 70-150 mm in diam, at first hemispherical, expanding to broadly 

convex, with slightly appendiculate, straight margin; surface glabrous and smooth from the 

first, subviscid when wet, brownish red (9C7 to 10C7) when young, then greyish red (9B6-7) 

to reddish orange (8B6-7) overall, at times somewhat paler in aged specimens, unchanging 

when bruised, yellowish orange (7A7) in KOH and NH4OH, negative in Fe(OH)SO4, guaiac 

and phenol. Flesh up to 18 mm thick at the center of the pileus, becoming very thin toward 

the margin, pale yellow (3A3) to pastel yellow (3A4), red (10A6-7) right beneath the pileus 

surface, slowly changing to blue when cut, negative in KOH, NH4OH, Fe(OH)SO4, guaiac and 

phenol; odor of dried onion, taste indistinct. Stipe (Fig. 22) 55-130 × 20-40 mm, moderately 

thickened toward the base, central, terete, solid; surface dry, brownish red (10C6) above, 

darker (10D6) below, light yellow (2A5) to yellow (2A6) at the apex, often with faded portions 

in places, usually finely reticulate over the upper half by a thin-veined, concolorous 

reticulum, longitudinally ridged-striate downward, gradually changing to blue where handled, 

dark greenish blue (24F5) in guaiac and phenol, yellowish orange (7A7) in KOH and NH4OH, 

negative in Fe(OH)SO4; basal mycelium yellowish white. Tubes relatively short in comparison 

with the thickness of the flesh (up to 6 mm deep), adnate or slightly depressed around the 

stipe, pastel yellow (2A4) to yellow (2A6) when young, greenish yellow (1A6-7) to dull yellow 

at maturity, instantly changing to deep blue when exposed, reddish brown (7E6) in KOH and 

NH4OH, dark greenish blue (24F5) in guaiac and phenol, negative in Fe(OH)SO4; pores 1-2 

per mm, subcircular to subangular, concolorous with the tubes, instantly changing to deep 

blue when bruised. Spore print olive (3E4).

Micromorphological features:

  Basidiospores (Fig. 26) (9.0-) 10.3-11.7 (-13.3) × (3.4-) 4.0-4.5 (-5.0) μm (n = 200, mean 

length = 11.01 ± 0.74 μm, mean width = 4.25 ± 0.25 μm, Q = (2.2-) 2.4-2.8 (-3.1) mean Q 

= 2.60 ± 0.16), inequilateral with a suprahilar depression in profile, subfusoid in face view, 

with a rounded apex, smooth, yellowish grey (2B2) in water, greyish yellow (4B4) in KOH, 

inamyloid or infrequently dextrinoid, with slightly thickened walls (up to 0.5 μm). Basidia (Fig. 

27) (23.9-) 28.0-33.9 (-38.9) × (8.6-) 10.0-11.4 (-12.1) μm, clavate, 4-spored, sterigmata 

(3.0-) 4.2-5.7 (-7.3) × (1.3-) 1.8-2.2 (-2.4) μm, pale yellow in KOH, inamyloid. Basidioles 

clavate. Cheilocystidia (Fig. 24) of two types: 1) fusiform to subclavate, scattered, (18.6-) 22.

6-32.1 (-40.2) × (4.1-) 5.7-7.3 (-8.2 ) μm (n = 80, mean length = 27.35 ± 4.75 μm, mean 

width = 6.48 ± 0.78 μm), smooth, pale yellow (4A3) in KOH, inamyloid, thin-walled; 2) 

broadly elliptical to oblong elliptical, predominant, more or less inflated, often submoniliform, 2

-4 septate, (25.5-) 28.7-36.4 (-39.5) × (6.1-) 6.6-8.2 (-10.1) μm (n = 35, mean length = 32.

53 ± 3.88 μm, mean width = 7.42 ± 0.79 μm), smooth, pale yellow (4A3) in KOH, 

inamyloid, thin-walled. Pleurocystidia (Fig. 25) scattered, (35.2-) 44.1-59.2 (-66.8) × (6.0-) 7.

2-9.2 (-10.9) μm (n = 64, mean length = 51.66 ± 7.51 μm, mean width = 8.20 ± 1.02 μ

m), narrowly fusoid-ventricose to subcylindrical with prolonged neck, smooth, with brownish 

(5D6) contents in water, yellow (5B7) in KOH, inamyloid, thin-walled. Hymenophoral trama 

bilateral-divergent of the Boletus-subtype; elements in lateral strata (4.7-) 6.3-9.7 (-13.8) ?

m wide, cylindrical, hyaline in KOH, inamyloid; elements in a mediostratum (2.7-) 3.8-5.1 (-5.

8) ?m wide, cylindrical, pale yellow in KOH, inamyloid. Pileipellis (Fig. 23) an interwoven 

trichoderm; constituent hyphae (2.9-) 3.9-5.1 (-6.8) μm wide, cylindrical, red (10A7) in 

water, pale yellow (4A4) in KOH, inamyloid, thin-walled, often with gelatinized and roughened 

walls; terminal cells (18.0-) 34.4-68.2 (-92.7) × (4.0-) 4.5-6.7 (-10.0) μm (n = 53), 

cylindrical to subclavate. Pileitrama of cylindrical, loosely interwoven hyphae (4.2-) 5.6-8.7 (-

10.7) μm wide, smooth, hyaline in KOH, inamyloid, thin-walled. Stipitipellis hymeniform, 

consisting of sterile cells (caulocystidia) and infrequent caulobasidia which envelope the 

entire stipe surface; caulocystidia (27.3-) 34.0-47.0 (-56.6) × (5.3-) 6.5-8.4 (-11.1) μm (n 

= 70) at the upper surface (Fig. 28), (32.5-) 41.2-69.5 (-107.1) × (5.4-) 5.9-7.9 (-10.2) μm 

(n = 69), at the lower surface (Fig. 29), narrowly fusoid-ventricose or subclavate to 

subcylindrical, often 2-3 septate, with brownish orange (7C6-7) to brown (7D6-7) contents 

in water, smooth, brownish in KOH, inamyloid, thin-walled; caulobasidia (Fig. 30) (29.7-) 31.8-

38.9 (-43.4) × (7.6-) 8.0-9.8 (-11.1) μm, 4-spored. Stipe trama composed of more or less 

parallel or partially irregularly arranged, cylindrical hyphae, (5.0-) 7.4-12.8 (-17.2) μm wide 

(n = 50), occasionally branched, smooth, hyaline in KOH, inamyloid or weekly dextrinoid, thin-

walled. Clamp connections absent. 

   Habitat: Solitary to scattered, on ground in mixed forests dominated by Pinus densiflora

Sieb. & Zucc., Quercus acutissima Carruthers, Quercus crispula Blume, and Quercus serrata

Murray, July to September.

   Known distribution: Japan (Nagano, Niigata, Ishikawa).  

  Specimens examined: TTNS-F-44603 (holotype), Jizoukubo, Iizuna-cho, Kamiminochi-

gun, Nagano Pref., on ground in mixed forest dominated by P. densiflora and Q. serrata, 750 

m alt., 9 Aug 2011, coll. Taneyama, M.; TNS-F-44631, the same place, 30 Jul 2008, coll. 

Taneyama, M.; TNS-F-44632, TNS-F-44633, TNS-F-44634, the same place, 25 Jul 2009, 

coll. Taneyama, Y.; TNS-F-44635, TNS-F-44636, the same place, 30 Jul 2009, coll. 

Taneyama, M.; TNS-F-44602, the same place, 27 Jul 2011, coll. Taneyama, M.; KPM-

NC0022679, the same place, 31 Jul 2012, coll. Taneyama, M.; TNS-F-44630, Kawakami, 

Iizuna-cho, Kamiminochi-gun, Nagano Pref., on ground in mixed forest dominated by P.

densiflora and Q. serrata, 850 m alt., 25 Jul 2008, coll. Taneyama, M.; TNS-F-44601, the 

same place, 26 Aug 2010, coll. Taneyama, M.; TNS-F-44637 and SAPA100004, Hatayama, 

Nagano-shi, Nagano Pref., on ground in mixed forest dominated by Q. serrata, 800 m alt., 8 

Aug 2009, coll. Fujisawa, T.; TNS-F-44604, Myoukou-shi, Niigata Pref., on ground in mixed 

forest dominated by P. densiflora and Q. serrata, 150 m alt., 17 Jul 2009, coll. Fujisawa, T.; 

TNS-F-18867, Tsurugi, Hakusan-shi, Ishikawa Pref., on ground in mixed forests dominated 

by Q. crispula, 400 m alt., 31 Jul 1977, coll. Yoneyama, K.; TNS-F 22262, Tsubata-cho, 

Kawakita-gun, Isikawa Pref., on ground in mixed forest dominated by Q. acutissima, 50 m alt., 

9 Sep 1980, coll. Ikeda, Y.

   Japanese name: Nioi-barairo-iguchi

   Comments: Boletus cepaeodoratus is characterized by the boletoid, pinkish red 

basidiomata with a glabrous pinkish red pileus and an usually finely reticulate brownish red 

stipe, the cyanescent flesh that emits the odor of dried onion, the relatively short tubes (up 

to 6 mm deep), the pluriseptate cheilocystidia with shortened, more or less inflated terminal 

and subterminal cells, the often multiseptate, narrowly fusoid-ventricose or subclavate to 

subcylindrical caulocystidia with brown contents, and the habitat in mixed forests. The 

combination of its boletoid basidiomata with a finely reticulate stipe and its minute pores 

concolorous with the tubes suggests that B. cepaeodoratus belongs to the section 

Appendiculati sensu Singer (1986). Boletus cepaeodoratus also shows some similarity to the 

section Luridi sensu Singer (1986) in the habit of basidiomata, though the species belonging 

to the section Luridi always lacks conspicuous, fine reticulations on the stipe in the case of 

having concolorous pores, unlike the section Appendiculati.

  Within members of the section having a red pileus, B. cepaeodoratus bears a superficial 

resemblance to the following two taxa: European B. regius Krombh. (Krombholz 1832; Singer 

1967; Leclair and Essette 1969; Alessio 1985; Bessette et al. 2000; Munos 2005) and B.

speciosus Frost originally described from North America (Frost 1874; Snell and Dick 1970; 

Bessette et al. 2000). These two taxa are distinct in characters of an entirely lemon-yellow 

stipe, much longer tubes, and fusiform to lageniform hymenial cystidia and caulocystidia with 

a mucronate apex. 

  Boletus cepaeodoratus have also some macromorphological characteristics shared with 

the following three North American taxa: B. bicolor var. subreticulatus A.H. Sm. & Thiers 

(Smith and Thiers 1971; Grund and Harrison 1976; Bessette et al. 2000), B. carminiporus 

Bessette, Both & Dunaway (Bessette et al. 1998, 2000), and B. sensibilis var. subviscidus A.

H. Sm. & Thiers (Smith and Thiers 1971). Boletus bicolor var. subreticulatus can be 

differentiated from B. cepaeodoratus by possessing a typically deep apple-red, velvety to 

subtomentose pileus turning to brown with the application of KOH and NH4OH, and fusoid-

ventricose cheilocystidia. Boletus carminiporus differs from B. cepaeodoratus in possessing 

significantly longer tubes reaching to 12 mm deep (Bessette et al. 2000), dark red to 

brownish red pores, and not cyanescent flesh turning to olive grey in NH4OH. Boletus

sensibilis var. subviscidus is distinct in having strongly cyanescent flesh, a scarcely 

reticulate, orange to reddish brown stipe, and fusoid-ventricose cheilocystidia.


Alessio CL, 1985. Boletus Dill. ex L. (sensu lato). Fungi Europaei, vol 2. Biella Giovanna, 


Bessette AE, Both EE, Bessette AR, Dunaway DL, Roody WC, 1998. New taxa of boletes 

  from the southern United States. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 

  36: 233-237.

Bessette AE, Roody WC, Bessette AR, 2000. North American boletes. A color guide to the 

  fleshy pored mushrooms. Syracuse University

Krombholz JV, 1832. Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der essbaren, 

  schadlichen und verdachtigen Schwamme, vol 2 1-30.

Leclair A, Essette H, 1969. Les Bolets. Paul Lechevalier, Paris.

Munos JA, 2005. Boletus s.l. (excl. Xerocomus). Fungi Europaei, vol 2. Biella Giovanna, 


Persoon CH, 1801. Synopsis methodica fungorum 1-706. Gottingen.Press, New York.

Singer R, 1967. Die Pilze Mitteleuropas, vol 6. Julius Klinkhardt Verlag, Bad Heilbrunn.

Singer R, 1986. The Agaricales in modern taxonomy, 4th edn. Koeltz, Koenigstein.

Smith AH, Thiers HD (1971) The boletes of Michigan. The University of Michigan Press, 

  Ann Arbor 

Thiers HD, 1965. California boletes: 1. Mycologia 57: 524-534.

Thiers HD, 1975. California mushrooms, a field guide to the boletes. Hafner Press, New York.