Welcome to Miiverse Clonapedia!
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Miiverse Clonapedia is an encyclopedia created and managed by Miiverse clone user Jokko (otherwise known as TheBellsprout101), on January 6, 2020. Its purpose is to provide articles showcasing the history of Miiverse clones, which includes the sites themselves, notable users, and events that happened.
For over five years, Miiverse Clonapedia has been frequently updated to provide information on a variety of different Miiverse clones and topics. In its current state, Miiverse Clonapedia is unfinished, and since there is over two four six years of history to cover, when or even if this project will be finished is uncertain.
For more information on this site, visit the site's article on itself.
Please note that this website's primary focus is on the history of Miiverse clones, rather than Miiverse itself. If you are interested in Miiverse history, please check the archives of Le Miiverse Resource and Miiversepedia.
The Editing Team
Here are the editors for Miiverse Clonapedia and their contact information. If you believe you can edit for the site, check the Editing page.
Note: As of 2023, Discord has changed their username system from a four-digit discriminator to a more traditional username system. The new usernames are listed in place of the old ones for editors that remain active contributors to Miiverse Clonapedia.
Jokko/TheBellsprout101 (creator of site)
Discord is thebellsprout101
Discord is nendoroid link#3140
Discord is dodder5231
Discord is LunaIsNotABoy#0001
Discord is vkpixel#6268
Discord is The Pandoro 64#7832
Discord is terminal10
Discord is therixy
Discord is Ondrashek06#8857
Discord is ghostytongue
Discord is Komfudo#4329
Discord is tywd#4651
Discord is legitknight30
Discord is wlx3n
To keep the information secure, archives of all the site's pages are made periodically. Here are the links to all of the archives:
(Note: Wayback Machine snapshots of pages after August of 2021, when Miiverse Clonapedia was converted to New Google Sites, tend to have trouble displaying the text and crash often. archive.today is more reliable for accessing page archives past this point.)
Miiverse Clonapedia
Clone Forest
The Clone Post