Painful Bits (V)

Que no se pierda. Eso es lo que pretendo con esta página. Que no se pierda, de lo bueno que se hace, lo poco que yo encuentro.

NEW August 15, 2000


Nearly 100 syndicated cartoonists have created special Peanuts-themed comics as a lasting memorial to Charles M. Schulz, creator of the enduring and beloved strip. "I thought this would be a fun way for cartoonists to personally honor and thank Sparky," says Mike Luckovich, Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the Atlanta Constitution who organized the tribute event with the National Cartoonists Society. "This tribute is a celebration of his life." Schulz's talent and creativity earned him numerous awards throughout his 50-year career, yet to his fellow cartoonists, Sparky's professional honors were secondary to his dedication to his craft and the encouragement and inspiration he offered to others. Schulz's importance is illustrated in the many and varied styles of the cartoonists whose lives he touched and who continue his legacy.

And I encourage everybody who liked Peanuts (who didn't, if ever read them?) to visit that site and read all of the strips Mr Schulz's colleagues have drawn from the heart with all their wittiness... I just reproduce here the one from Jim Davies:

When the laziest, dog-haterest, most self-centered, misanthropist cat ever known sighs for Snoopy... well, that means something...

NEW August 15, 2000

Amb un cert retràs, public per fi els relats que els meus amics i jo vam preparar per a la nit de cap d'any 1999-2000. Tots havien de començar d'aquesta manera:

Aún se movía el océano bajo mis pies cuando el doctor Fritz me comunicó la noticia. Solté la escoba y el cubo y me puse a temblar.

Se poden llegir aquí.

NEW August 14, 2000

He decidit fer una reestructuració del meu espai web arreu, tot integrant en Painful Bits entrades de websites anteriors. Tot el material així afegit l'he posat directament en Collected Links, sota l'epígraf "Old Websites' Entries".

This page written by Torribio Blups. All comments welcome.

Old entries here

Links collected here

Since Feb 13, 2000.

This in an old entry of Painful Bits. Go to the current entry at

Last updated on August 15, 2000