Getting Started

Classes are given through San Diego Continuing Education.  Your instructor (sensei) will be Tatsuko Sandin  Here are the registration directions for a Japanese art class and logging on to Canvas:.

Apply and Enroll in a Class

Registration for the Fall 2022 semester has begun

If you are currently enrolled in the San Diego Continuing Education system you should locate your student ID. You will also need the current class IDs.  ( Some classes may already be full.)

For Fall the classes and IDs are as follows:

 • Tuesdays: 12:30 to 3:00 PM (CRN #14808) 

Wednesdays: 2:30 to 5:00 PM (CRN #14809) (currently filled)

Thursdays: 5:30 to 8:00 PM (CRN #14807)

 This link will take you to the school site where you can enroll in a sumi-e art class:  Make certain you write your ID down; you will need it for the next step.

If you have difficulty in applying or enrolling in a class check the FAQs page or the staff help.

When you are successfully enrolled you can proceed to the next step:

Log on to Canvas

Using the Canvas supplement to this course is vital for your class participation. Enter Canvas by going to and signing in with your 10-digit student ID and password. If it is your first time there, your Canvas password is your date of birth in MMDDYYYY format. For example if you were born June 1, 1957, your password is 06011957.

Read the introductory remarks on the home page and the information in the resource modules carefully.

Obtain the brushes, paper,  and other tools you will need for the class.  A list will be found on the Canvas site and also here.

Tools of Sumi-e  

 Most of these can be found online but make sure you follow the guidelines  presented.

Ten or fifteen minutes before the class assemble your tools and log on.

Log on to Zoom at Class Time

Before the meeting you will receive an email from Tatsuko Sensei giving a link to the Zoom classroom.  There will also be a meeting ID and password.  If the link does not take you directly to the meeting, just download the Zoom app and log on from Zoom.  Input the ID and password and that will take you to the classroom.

If for some reason you missed the email or accidentally erased it, you can also find the ID and password on the home page of the class Canvas website.

There will be a discussion of the topic for the week and Sensei will demonstrate one way of painting the subject. Watch the demo,  Pay attention to how the ink is made and what strokes are used.  Try your hand at painting and follow directions to put your work on Canvas.  

Upload Your Painting to Canvas

Take a picture of your painting.  Then log on to canvas and follow the directions for uploading your painting.  The directions will be in Module 1.  Please read these carefully.

Every week there will be a new subject with its own lesson module.  At the end of the module there will be the word "Subscribed" and then "reply".  Click on "reply" to start your upload and at the end don't forget to "post"  your reply.  

Note that if you are unhappy with your results and want to try again, you may upload another painting of the same subject until the end of the semester.   However, please put your painting in the correct module.  

In the module you can view other students' work, give comments,  and get ideas on how to improve your own paintings.  Please be courteous in your comments.  We are all learning.