Week 6

Demonstration Art

From a woodblock print by Ohara Koson (1877 - 1945). See Discussion.


The kanji character below is semi (cicada) for those who want to practice their calligraphy.


The cicada sketches below are for practice

Demonstration Painting

For my demonstration painting this week, I decided to do a landscape featuring Bashō on his pilgrimage to Risshaku-ji. He is sitting on a rock part way up the over 1,000 steps leading to the temple, enjoying the scenery, and thinking of composing a haiku; the one at the bottom left of the painting. Here it what it says:

Think about what a proper haiku is about as discussed in 6.1.1. The first two lines set the context, and the third line makes the point. That is why the painting is about a cicada, sort of, but doesn't have a cicada in it.

This painting takes quite a while to do, so I may do a much simpler cicada painting in class instead. This is still available for you to do with as you wish.