Week 17

Demonstration Art

From a kakejiku by Nichokuan Soga (1625 – 1660). See discussion

Calligraphy, Sketches, & Demonstration Painting


For those who want to practice their calligraphy, the characters below from the phonetic hiragana syllabary are the word fukurō (owl).


The following owl sketches provide guidance for how to draw an owl. One note about an owl's feet. They have 4 toes; two in front, one in back, and a fourth one that an owl can move either to the front or back as desired.

Demonstration Painting

Note in my painting that the tail gets cut off at the edge of the paper I used. This was because I started off with the owl's face and making it too big. In your painting, try to make the face the right size for your paper so that the entire body can be included and still be proportional.