Week 10


From a byōbu by Tawaraya Sōtatsu (1570 – 1640). See Discussion.

Calligraphy, Sketches, & Demonstration Painting


For those who want to practice their calligraphy, the katakana phonetic syllabary word for keitō (cockscomb) is shown below.


These sketches are for anyone wanting to practice. I include a praying mantis in my demonstration painting, so this first set of sketches is of a praying mantis.

This next sketch is of a simplified coxcomb.

Demonstration Painting

In spite of appearances, the top set of bamboo leaves is not floating on air. The stem I painted was faint enough that my scanner hardly picked it up. There is a special set of terms for painting bamboo leaves that I have not covered this semester. Simply put, kaiji-hō refers to leaves that are generally curved downward. They are painted from the point where they attach to the stem to the tip of the leaves. Kuma-zasa is the type of bamboo I put into this painting.