Welcome to  our Sumi-e and Japanese Classical Art class.

This website is maintained by and for students of Tatsuko Sandin's Sumi-e & Japanese Classical Art painting class offered by San Diego Continuing Education. The painting techniques taught are those traditionally used for centuries by Japanese artists. Aspects of Japanese art history and the importance of art in Japanese culture are included as time permits. The tuition-free classes are open to all adults 18 and older from raw beginners to experienced artists. 

Part of this site preserves an archive of information supplementing painting subjects and lessons, including sample calligraphy, sketches, and demonstration paintings. Also preserved are copies of student paintings. The site provides an opportunity to learn by seeing what others have done  

Use this link to  find weekly topics with discussion, written instructions, and student submissions: Spring 2024

At this link are topics addressed in  Past Semesters 

For additional information and detailed instruction in tools, techniques, and Japanese art history :. Resources