Week 11


From a surimono by Katsushika Hokusai (1760 – 1849). See discussion.

Calligraphy, Sketches, & Demonstration Painting


The kanji characters for seibutsu-ga (still life) is shown below for those who want to practice their calligraphy.


There are three sets of sketches below for practice. The first set is apples and a persimmon.

The next set is a pear and a pomegranate.

The final set is a group of tomatoes.

Demonstration Painting

For this week's painting in class and for homework, I ask that you paint a picture of a fruit of your choice instead of copying something that I've done. Place the fruit in front of you and paint what you see. Then eat some of it and paint it again, partly eaten. Do that several times. The example below shows what I mean.

I used an apple, but you can choose some other kind of fruit. I would love to see what you come up with.