Week 8 Demonstration

Calligraphy, Sketches, & Demonstration Painting


The kanji characters for momiji are shown below for those who want to practice their calligraphy.


Here is some basic information about Japanese maple leaves. The leaves are painted first using mokkotsu-hō (boneless) strokes. The veins are painted in next.

This is a simple sketch for those wanting to practice. The colored object in the lower part of the painting is a real seed.

This next sketch is a bit more complex for those who would like more of a challenge.

Demonstration Painting

This is my demonstration painting of a king fisher and Japanese maple leaves. The placement of the king fisher was an afterthought, and my whole painting was rushed (like it is every week) to get it ready for class, so it isn't as good as I would like. Hopefully that won't interfere with your ability to do your best.