Shoe Pure Contour

The subject of my artwork is the three veiw points of a shoe. I made this work by placing my shoe in front of me, and drawing what I see, I used a 2H pencil for the sketch, and a 6B pencil for outlining them, and making the lines more visible. I didn't chose to create this specific artwork because I was instructed to draw my shoe, and that is exactly what I did. Specific elements and principles I used are balance, I used this by placing the three views of the shoe in different parts of the paper making it look neat. And I aso used space because again, I placed the three shoe veiw points in different places while using the space of the paper.

A composition rule and technique that I used in my artwork is, the "Rule of Thirds," I used this by placing the side veir in the 1/3 section of the paper, the top-veiw in the 2/3 section, and the front-veiw in the 3/3 section, to make it look good. Something that I revised was the size of each drawing, I wanted to make it look at realistic as I could, by shaping it to the size of foot, as if my foot could fit in the shoe.

The meaning behind this artwork is, there are three veiws of an anything, yours, mine, and someone else's. For example, the three veiws of a fight are, yours, mine, and someone else watching it. This project doesn't relate to my life besides that it's my shoe that I am drawing. Something that I would change in my artwork is, how big the sole of the front-veiw shoe because in reality, the sole isn't that big.