Advanced Studio Art

Semester 1 Reflection

In this class, I've learned more about my style and what I am good at and not so good at. I've learned that I'm best at painting and my style is very realistic. I've also learned that I like routine and doing things that I am good at instead of switching it up and trying something new that I might be even better at. I have been most successful with my paintings which is why I do them the most. I am most successful at turning things in on time even if that means staying up all night. I have struggled with exploring new mediums and not procrastinating. Exploring new mediums is hard for me because I like doing what I am good at rather than turning in something that I don't like because I didn't do a very good job because I tried something new. And I know I am not the only one and that in fact most people do this. I also am not very successful at managing my time well. I will stay up all night the night before doing an art project even though we had three studio days and three separate days to work on it. Next semester I want to try some new materials like colored pencil or maybe photography since I finished photography one and I really liked it alot. I think trying new materials will make me more of a well rounded art student and make me a better artist. I am very excited to see what I do!

Final Reflection

Throughout this class, I learned how to incorporate more color and contrast and how to find a deeper message when creating my art. By incorporating placement or words and symbols to tell a story and explain your message. I have also learned that an art project although it might seem nice at the time is not convenient and is very stressful and may result and a few overnighters. I have been more successful this year with creating a back story and a deeper meaning to my art. I have also been more successful by answering my inquiry question as of more recently and incorporating ideas and messages through them. I've learned this because i have noticed that it makes your art better looking and more interesting to view it also makes it more meaningful. I have struggled with making art through different angles and adding multiple subjects into the art. This is something that a lot of my classmates struggle with as well and we are all trying to fix this. My artistic goals for the upcoming future is to add more subjects into my artwork and be more detailed with it especially the background because backgrounds are challenging and I always get tired of drawing or painting so I usually just add a solid color, but I want to work on creating more detail in the background.