Beautiful Oops

The subject of my creation is 3 sunflowers at night. This work was made by previously having ink-droplets and I created them into 3 sunflowers with a cool background. I used an hb pencil to sketch out the sunflowers and colored pencil to add color to the sunflowers and background. I chose to create this specific artwork because it seemed different and unique. Specific elements and principles I used were, space because I used my white space in the background to create a cool background that catches the eye. I also used contrast in my artwork as you can see, in the background the col colors contrast with the warm colors of the sunflowers.

Specific composition rules and techniques I used in my artwork was, formal balance with the swirls in the sky on the left, and the sunflowers on the right. I also showcased grouping in my art work with the group of sunflowers on the right of the portrait. The project evolved from three ink blotches on the paper, to three sunflowers. I was going to do a panda but then my friend Aynslie suggested sunflowers, and I thought that was a good idea, so that is what I did.

The meaning behind this artwork is to stand out and be different, be you. As you can see the sunflowers really pop just like I think everyone should try and put themselves out there and be different. This year that is what I'm trying to do so that way I can make memories, like going to soccer games and joining more clubs. I think my artwork could be stronger by using a different material like painting to add more depth and detail, and I think it would overall look better.