Linoleum Prints

The subject of my creation is my friends and I during an eighth grade dirty 30's project on prints. This work was made by using carving out a linoleum slab and carving out a picture with a specific tool. I then put different colors of ink depending on the criteria we had to meet on different pieces of paper. I made two perfect prints, and extended one of them. I extended one to look like one of those pictures you see in an old year book that people draw over. I did this by using a silver sharpie, and then cut out a pink dress that I drew with watercolor pencils and made it pop out with a piece of paper. I chose to create this specific artwork because it reminded me o the project me and my friends had in eighth grade, and the memories we made. Specific elements and principles I used in my artwork were, shape, I used a lot of shape to carve out certain details in the linoleum. I also used unity, as we are all together as one, and all of the shapes of our bodies in the print are combined

Composition rules and techniques I used in my artwork were, grouping and silhouette lighting. I used grouping with the people in the front together in a group, and silhouette lighting you can tell, because three of our faces are mostly visible except Eli's since there was a lot of shade of his face because of where the sun was placed, and you can't really tell who they are. At first in the beginning when I just started carving, I started with Mia all the way on the left, and I knew right then that i had messed up, so the I went to the sky and carved out lighting within the trees instead and everybody else before I finished her because she has really blond hair, and I wanted to try and fix her.

The meaning behind this artwork is even though you may have trouble with your friends (which we did) it all comes together in the end, and if it's not gonna matter in 10 years, then why do you need to keep a grudge? My project relates to my life because during this huge project, I felt like I was controlling everybody, and I wanted everything in the film to be perfect. It ended up not being perfect what so ever, but we are all still best friends today no matter how many arguments we had. One thing I would change in this project would be Eli's afro in the extended print because since you can't see his whole face, it was hard for me to judge where to put it, and I put it in the wrong place so it looks bad. Also I would fix Mia's hair and add more detail to she doesn't look so much like a witch, and more like a real person.