Inclusion Project

Birthday Party

10" x 13"

The idea that everyone included no matter their disability are included is shown in my artwork. This piece is of a little girl with down syndrome at her birthday party and there are other people invited ho also have different disabilities but they are all part of the same party. The project relates to my life because at Freeport HIgh School, we do a good job of including all people and making them feel just like everybody else and they can be in our classrooms and do the same things as we do.

This work was made by sketching out everything in a 6h pencil and then I used the graphing method to sketch out the little girl in the foreground to get a good image of what someone looks like with down syndrome. I then painted everything in the background with the to four layers of acrylic paint and when that was done, I went to the foreground and I then shaded everything with acrylic paint.

My process stayed the same throughout y piece the main thing that I used was adding a lot of layers to create a steady and even background as well as the foreground. I used color and emphasis to bring out the points in the piece. I used select color to show that everyone is apart of something together which emphasised the meaning more. My next steps could be adding more people in the background as well as adding more details to the chair because it is not very accurate.