Sustained Investigation #13


10.5" x 7"

The story behind this piece is about my friend Eli and the colors throughout the piece. I took a picture of Eli and payed attention to the values and highlights in his face. I knew that I wanted to use watercolor, but I wanted to incorporate more color and contrast to answer my inquiry question. This project relates to my life because this is my best friends and I wanted to take a picture of him because I wanted to explore making portraits of different people and different genders.

I knew I wanted to use watercolor but I'm not very good at using them. It was hard to add values in his face from the picture so I had to try and experiment with pigment. I painted the background pink to contrast with the foreground. I tried to add definition in his face and shadows and highlights but because I am not familiar with watercolors it was very hard.

I made this project with the objective in mind that I wanted to focus on color and contrast to answer my inquiry question. I would say that I achieved this goal and my use of color and contrast is very relevant. Next time when I make a project I would add more more contrast because there isn't a lot and I would also use a different material.