Sustained Investigation #2

They're Magically Delicious

10" x 7"

The idea behind this piece is to really remember that not everything is perfect. Like in this piece of art, you feel like there should be more marshmallows right? But I painted this off of reference of a picture that I took so in reality there really isn't always that perfect picture moment as much as we make it out to be. I too think of life like this. I always feel like everything should be perfect and it needs to look perfect, and social media really doesn't help with this as it makes people think especially young people think that they need to look a certain way and act a certain way when really they don't.

I made this work with one of my own photographs of my bowl of lucky charms and I used a 6H pencil to roughly sketch out the outline of the bowl and the cereal. I then painted the background with acrylic paint as well as the foreground with acrylic paint. i mad the actual cereal very un-detailed and unfinished looking because I wanted the audience to focus more on the bright colors of the marshmallows.

I used a lot of color and the appearance of texture to really pull together the artwork and add a little something something to it. This project I actually had in mind to make it super detailed and realistic but because of the time I had, I couldn't achieve this. So I thought more about it and I realized that I really didn't care about people looking a the brown cereal, I cared about them looking at the bright marshmallows and the bright background so that is why I chose to make the cereal less detailed that the rest of the painting.