Extended Blind Contour Drawing

The subject of my artwork is a momma giraffe, and a baby giraffe, with leaves in the background. This painting was made with sharpie, for the original line contouring, watercolor for the giraffe, marker for the dark green part of the leaves, and crayon for the lighter inner part of the leaves. Well, the biggest of my fingers I tried to draw reminded me of a giraffe spot, so I drew around the line contouring, I still had more to cover up, so I added a baby giraffe, and I still needed more to cover up, so my friend said I should draw leaves in the background and I thought that was a good idea, so I drew leaves in the background. That's how I chose this particular artwork to make. Elements and principles I used was line, thanks to the line contouring, and making the leaves, color, by using watercolor, marker, and crayon, space, by filling in most of the black space, or trying to, balance, by drawing and painting the giraffes in the center, and pattern, by repeatedly drawing the leaves in the background.

Composition rules and techniques I used was, balance by drawing and painting the giraffes in the center, and grouping, by grouping the leaves in the background, and the giraffes together in the center. Well once I drew around the line contouring, I still had more to cover up, so I added a baby giraffe, and I still needed more to cover up, and there was a bunch of white space around the giraffes, so my friend said I should draw leaves in the background and I thought that was a good idea, so that's what I did.

I don't think that there is a meaning to this artwork. It is peaceful and happy, so I guess that could be a meaning, I don't think there is a story either, besides that the momma giraffe, had a baby giraffe, and they're happy. This project does not relate to my life except that I am always happy, an try to make other happy as well. Something that bother me about my artwork, is the stroke lines in from the watercolor. I tried to make them blend together and seamless, but It didn't work out, no matter what I tried.