
The subject of my creation is an abstract arrangement of triangles with white borders and it says "Donate" and "Organ and tissue donation on it." I made a one inch border with painters tape and I constructed triangles within the border and I watercolor painted pink and red within the triangles in random order. After the watercolor was dry, I wrote "Donate, " and Organ and tissue donation." within the white triangle borders. I chose to create this specific artwork because I remembered Mrs. Medsker saying how you should make your artwork happy, instead of sad which I know that organ donations can be sad. Not every time is successful and not everyone is an organ donor, and sometimes things end up sad, so I tried to make my artwork as happy as possible. I've always thought making borders with tape and then using watercolor to paint the insides were cool. And I thought it would make it different and make people feel happy when they look at it. Elements and principles I used were, balance, shape, color. I used balance by arranging the pink and red triangles randomly but made it look so they were some way balanced on the page and spread out. I used shape by forming triangles with the tape throughout sheet of paper. I used color by making the watercolor vibrant than transparent which using watercolor can be.

Composition rules and techniques I used are balance, and grouping. I balanced my artwork by spreading the pink and red squares apart from each other so it looks aesthetically pleasing and balanced. And I used grouping by creating two groups of colored triangles, pink and red. My project evolved by changing the amount of triangles but still making it look nice. At first I had a few big triangles, but I wanted to add some small triangles so it looked better, and that is what I did.

The meaning behind my artwork is to spread happiness. The whole reason why I made artwork this way was to make people happy instead of looking at heart from the human body and maybe feeling sad. I made it subtle by adding a red shaped heart in the words that way I could get the message across of donating your organs for a good cause. My project relates to my life because I like to spread happiness and make people happy. I try not to make people feel bad or making them feel sad about certain things in their life. Like if someone's family member died, I would totally avoid that subject because I know they would be sad, and I would make them laugh somehow by saying something funny or talking about something totally different then there family member that has passed away. Something that bothers me in my artwork is the uneven lines in my borders. I tried to make the lines as crisp as possible but I was unable to do that. Next time if I did something like this, I would push down really hard on the tape so that nothing can get through the tape and the lines are nice and clean.