Sustained Investigation #5


3" x 3"

My piece shows that someone had been eating lucky charms for breakfast and had to admire the beautiful colors of the marshmallow charms. This project relates to my life because I often take the time to look at the colors of the world. They make me feel happy and if the colors I am looking at go really well together, I they look very nice.

I made a borde with washi tape, i then sketched out the charms with a 6H pencil. After that, i mixed and made my colors with acrylic paint and painted the background with a pastel color and then painted the actual charms and shaded them with the acrylic paint.

I used balance, shape color, value, and emphasis to create these two paintings and make them really pop to the audience. At first I was going to paint a person, but I was having a hard time sketching the person out so, I decided to make a new project that still had to do with breakfast. My next steps good be adding something else in the background that won't take away from the foreground but still add a nice touch.