Plaster Hand Sculpture

The subject of my creation is my hand holding a plant that is growing through it. This work was made by first making a plaster mold of our hands, then I added watercolor accented splotches, and a little sprout of wire growing out of my hand, by twisting two small pieces of wire together and digging a hole with a tool into the hand, then putting the wire through and it looked like the plant grew through my hand. I chose to create this artwork because I thought it looked really cool and pretty. Specific elements and principles I used in my artwork were, shape with the wire sculpture part, and my hand, and I also used contrast with the wire against the hand and the watercolors. (Dark to light)

Composition rules and techniques I showcased in my artwork were formal balance because instead of just having the wire come out of one part of the hand, I weaved it around so it looked more balanced and put together. I also used leading lines as I used the lines between my fingers to guide where I placed the wire. At first I really had no idea what I wanted to do with my art except that I wanted it to show growth. But as time progressed I eventually just let things come to mind and put them down on my artwork. And eventually my artworked evolved into a little sculpture.

The meaning behind this artwork is growth. This is meaningful to me because I have grown so much since the beginning of high school, and am continuing to grow, but I really like who I have become and this sculpture shows that growing into a new person although can be scary, is really not that bad at all. One thing I would change about my artwork is some of the dots on the hand are a little too dark. And although in some spots they do look good, some spots, not so much. So that is what I would change in my artwork.