Give Hope

Give Hope

Dear friends, I want to share with you that my friend’s marriage has been restored!! She and her husband were separated for two years. There was an OM and she was the one who left, as she said her husband suffered with addiction. During their separation I was able to share with her some of the principles that I have learned here in RMIEW and we went over chapters together from the Wise Woman book.

What lead to them being restored was their 9-year old daughter was having so many negative behavior issues. My friend had to work a lot of overtime due to having to pay her bills on her own, and her daughter was becoming too much to handle. It came to the point where my friend started spending the night at her husband’s house on the days she had their daughter so that she could get her daughter to school easier.

Eventually her husband asked if she wanted to move back in. While she was moving her stuff back in, my friend was becoming fearful that things were not going well and her husband appeared distant. She felt she made a mistake coming back and told me she was moving out. I encouraged her to fast. She had never fasted before so I told her that I would fast with her as well. It's now been two months since that time we fasted together, but today when I went to visit her in their home—she said something clicked the days she fasted. She said she felt “the peace of God” come over her and she knew that He told her to “fight for her marriage.” And then, she said, she's never thought about leaving again!! She said her marriage is truly the best it has ever been!!

While I was at her home visiting today, when her husband got home from work early, I was actually getting ready to leave when he arrived. It was then that my EH called and asked if he could keep our daughter another night; this meant I didn't have to rush home after all. I began to talk with this couple who told me that I am the reason that their marriage is restored. Of course I know it was not "me" who restored their marriage, but GOD who restored it, my HH working through me.

Ladies, it was so encouraging for me to know that all that we do and go through is not in vain. Our lives are walking testimonies to others. As hard as this journey has been for me, I am so grateful that He chose to use me to bring Him glory and help restore a family. I am in awe of Him every single day and even more so now.

Even though I appear to be losing in regards to my own marriage restoration, I am gaining so much more of Him!! And He is Who matters. If the Lord would have restored my marriage when I begged Him to early on in my RJ, where would I be today?? I would not have been sitting with my friend and her husband in their home listening to how God chose to use me!!!!

As I am writing this my friend just sent me a text saying "Thank you so much for being such an amazing friend to me! I would never be able to repay you for the peace you helped to restore in my life. I love you always, your friend forever."

I have such joy ladies!! Again it is not me who did anything. I simply walked in obedience to what He was asking me to do and hope what I’ve shared will encourage each of you to do the same thing. Pass along the Hope that has been given to you!

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

He has it all figured out already. Let’s not try and figure it out ourselves. Even if your restoration is taking longer than you want it to, there IS a reason. He’s called us to go through this so we can help other women, friends or even strangers, find restoration in not only their marriages but finding the PEACE all of us needs.

~ Gina in Arizona, who gave hope that led to her friend who is now RESTORED lives in Arizona.**Ministry Note: A month later, after Gina submitted the above RESTORED Marriage Testimony on behalf of her friend, we received Gina’s very own RESTORED Marriage! Gina's Testimony will be published on our Restored Marriage Testimonies Page on Thanksgiving, November 19.

This testimony and many more are


By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 4): Take up your cross and follow Me.

CLICK HERE to order your own paperback copy to mark and read how others, like you, made it through their Restoration Journey and experienced a RESTORED MARRIAGE. Read each of the 48 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!

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