PHOTOS & ILLUSTRATIONS continued on page 2

from the House Windsor Game of Rogue Trader


More from the Endorian System, battle versus the Insectoids (aka Bay of Pigs)

Windsors (from right) attack the Insects in the command center of the asteroid base.

Windsors (top ramp) running onto the Webway with their Eldar saviors.

Meanwhile the bugs (center ramp) shoot at them,

and the Ultramarines (Slann in disguise) get dissed on the bottom ramp.


Map of the Endorian System:

Erecka, Nadina, and the moon Elena are Class M worlds,

inhabited by Insectoids.


The ambush on Darcont: RT Windsor & Co. fight off the

Whisper Cultists, come to shut down the heroes before they

mess up the system with their imperial ways.


Excavation & Exploration of Darcont moon, Svard System.

Facility entrance is on the right. Face down cars represent unexplored areas.

Jacks represent unpassable places or problems.

Later in Exploration & Excavation:

Explorator is on the far left, finishing up the findings.

All other troops and Rogue Trader are gathered at an ambushed point.

Aces represent goals of the dig.



click to embiggen.


Transport & Drop Pods of the UNBLINKING VENERATOR


Map of Sector One

One inch = 3 days at Warp. Space is sparse, stars as shown. Purple dots = explored as of Week Six. Yellow = peril world.

This map connects to rimward side of Koronus Expanse.


House Windsor assaults an Ork Rok

