






Above Decks: Engineering, Fuel, Batteries, Turret

Below Decks: Basic Quarters, Cargo, Supplies.

6 Tubes are combination Airlocks & Weapon Turrets.

Shuttle Bay at 26, and Cargo Door at 19 looks like a rock face.

Green Areas are the Thorium veins that make this all possible.



Future Histories Tarnished Tomorrows: Darkside personality exotic personality cyberlink hardware

Character Race: Alien Being Type Bestial:

Technoculture: Second Stellar Age : Stagnant Culture:

hobby that he practices like an occupation.

Survival Skills: (additional skills, GMs Discretion).

Hobbies: Type of Hobby Study: Art Sculpture of religious Idols

Social Status

Comfortable: sport weapon (such as a hunting rifle). Money: 100% Legitimate Birth

Birth & Family: Family Two Parents Siblings & Birth Order third of 3

Place of Birth: Home Worlds Core World (near the center of civilization).

Place of Birth: World Types Water world. Mostly oceans and small islands.

Place of Birth: Exotic Places In another dimension. Character was then transported to this world {1d4} years after birth.

Place of Birth: Exotic Places In a temple of a good church or religion.

Unusual Births: Birth Events A family member died the day that the character was born. presumed to be a reincarnation of the deceased.

Birth & Family: Other Relations Spouse (husband or wife).

Parents & NPCs: Occupation

Head of household (NPC) Household servant: Cook

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC was originally of a different Social Status. Destitute:

Underworld Experience : The Wrong Path The character wants to defy authority.

Underworld Experience: Types of Crimes

Petty theft. The character and several pals steal things they want or need. They act in violation of any organized thieves guild.

Underworld Experience : Events

The character chooses to go straight, ending his life of crime. Still, he is often recognized by criminals who remember him from the "old days."

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items Phobia Space - fear of outer space and space travel.

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items NPC has married more than once, current spouse is Parent 2

Occupations: LoTech Occupation. Riding Master: breeds riding beasts, breaks them to the saddle and teaches riding skills. Heavy Warhorses

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items NPC has a secret identity. As a Well-to-Do: Attorney:

Parent 3 Appearances Stoop-shouldered. Exhibiting bad posture, the character constantly hunches over.

Occupations: Occupations Selection

Occupation Group - Special Income Jobs

Occupations: Special Income Jobs

Spacecraft pilot. Can navigate a spacecraft between planets or even stars.

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC won't speak of something that occurred in the past.

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC is important in home village/town/city, not just another face in the crowd.

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC has a secret identity.

Social Status

Poor: Poor people have comparatively low income. They usually do not or cannot own property. Dwellings may be government subsidized and usually of lesser quality, sometimes due to uncaring landlords who may also be the Poor person's employer. Transportation is usually old and/or previously owned. Non-Nomadic Poor rarely raveland almost never leave the planet (or even town!) of their birth. Luxuries Include nice food, heal, pets and clean water, In some societies, the Poor are but a step above slaves_ Includes most laborers, low-level craftsmen and technicians, soldiers, peasants, public welfare recipients, some landowning farmers, apprentices, and low-level office or shop workers. Gameplay Benefits: Literacy chance is -15% to the base Tech Level chance. As an adolescent, the character has a 50% chance to attain skills in street fighting. Character has a 15% chance to have Underworld Experience during Adolescence. Money: 50% of normal starting money. Character will have difficulty borrowing anything more than small change from other than criminal sources. Roleplay: The Poor must wore hard to keep what title they have, otherwise they would be Destitute. A Poor character might always be concerned about having enough to get by; but the Poor usually have hope that they or their children might have a better life If they can work hard and long enough (though government hand-out programs often sap these folk's image al self worth). Although a character from this Social Level may long for a better life, he or she could be satisfied with the way things are. Hard work is good and the rewards enjoyable. Of all the Social Levels, the Poor are most likely to strongly emphasize religious matters in their lives or be superstitious.

Underworld Experience : The Wrong Path

The character wants to defy authority.

Underworld Experience: Types of Crimes

Independent criminal. The character is heavily involved in one or more of the following activities.

Underworld Experience: Independent criminal


Underworld Experience: Independent criminal

Multiple crimes

Underworld Experience: Independent criminal


Underworld Experience: Independent criminal

Robbing banks, stores and credit machines

Underworld Experience: Independent criminal


Underworld Experience : Events

The character is imprisoned for a crime. See Crimes. After being freed, the character goes straight, but maintains his underworld contacts.

Crimes: Crimes and Criminal Type

Sex Offender. Criminal accused of a sex-related crime. - Illegal Prostitution. Penalty Notes: {1d4} years imprisonment

Social Status: Nobility

Commoner/Not of a Noble Line

Occupations: Occupations Selection

Occupation Group - High Income Jobs

Occupations: High Income Jobs

Administrator/Manager: Oversees the operations of a large scale business or other organization.

Sibling 1

Occupations: Occupations Selection

Occupation Group - Special Income Jobs

Occupations: Special Income Jobs

Explorer: goes where no one has gone before.

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC is a military veteran.

Military Duties: Branch of Service

Aquatic Navy - Fighter Pilot. Flies fixedwing aircraft.

Military Skills: Combat Skills

Improve an existing military skill (bonus GM's discretion)

Military Skills: Special Survival Skills

Find food (plant & animal).

Military Skills: Special Survival Skills

Tracking (following tracks).

Military Skills: Vehicle Skills

Improve an existing military skill

Military Skills: Vehicle Skills

Drive unit's main vehicle.

Military Rank

First Sergeant/Senior Chief

Military Experience

A fierce war breaks out. The situation is grim. All Noncombat troops are put in the field as light infantry. The war is a rebellion against the government. The characters unit is in the thickest fighting for months and sees more action than most. The characters unit is in the thickest fighting for months and sees more action than most. Several battles occur. (See Battle Ready!)

Battle Ready!

Character is the only survivor of his unit.

Battle Ready!

Character is the only survivor of his unit.

Battle Ready!

Regardless of his performance in battle, the character is accused of dereliction of duty and is court-martialed and demoted one rank.

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

Devotes time to a hobby.

Hobbies: Type of Hobby

Hairdressing and cosmetics.

Hobbies: Degree of Interest

Devoted. Given a choice, this is how the character spends his free time. About 10 to 15% of total income is spent on this hobby.

Hobbies Hobby Proficiency


Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC has an obsession regarding something that had happened (or might happen), something that dominates the rest of his life. The working out of a personality trait. - Darkside Trait

Personality Traits: Darkside

Egotistic: proud and conceited.

Sibling 2

Occupations: Occupations Selection

Occupation Group - High Income Jobs

Occupations: High Income Jobs

Research Scientist: Cybernetics

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC is noted for his extremely unusual personality. Link the Exotic Personality Traits together in some fashion. Collectively, they should make the NPC character even stranger, possibly a real weirdo.

Exotic Personality Traits: Categories


Exotic Personality Traits: Allergies

Medicine - Common (perhaps stim-dose or med-packs)

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC has an obsession regarding something that had happened (or might happen), something that dominates the rest of his life. The working out of a personality trait. - Darkside Trait

Personality Traits: Darkside

Liar: hardly ever tells the truth,

Parents & NPCs: Noteworthy Items

NPC has a Rival. The Rival seeks out the character.

Rivals: Who?

Sibling (younger).

Rivals: Why?

Multiple Reasons

Rivals: Why?

Their distant ancestor's were rivals.

Rivals: What?

Intense: Rival hates the character, and goes out of his way to foil him. Secretly hopes for the chance to injure the character in some way (physically, emotionally, financially, socially, etc.)

Rivals: Why?

Rival is jealous of the character's looks.

Rivals: What?

Friendly: Rival and character can still be friends. Rival enjoys competing against the character. Rival may even remain a good friend.

Rivals: What?

Intense: Rival hates the character, and goes out of his way to foil him. Secretly hopes for the chance to injure the character in some way (physically, emotionally, financially, socially, etc.)

Significant Events of Childhood

Special Events of Childhood.

Special Events of Childhood

Characters best friend is a family robot. The clunky, but faithful old machine becomes his companion.

Companions. Who?

A robot or computer. See Artificial Persons.

Artificial Persons: Primary Function


Artificial Persons: Intelligence Level

Self-Aware. The machine knows it exists and desires to maintain its own existence. Capable of creative problem-solving.

Artificial Persons: Body Type

Bestiold. Designed to mimic the shape of an animal, often one whose function it also duplicates, such as a robot dog, horse, bird, etc.

Companions: Why?

The Companion's original intent was to steal from the character.

Companions: What?

Bumbling Buddy: A buffoon who tries to be a hero, and may inadvertently succeed more often than he fails. Give him comical quirks. Intensely loyal to the character, but not much help in a fight. May have an inferiority complex.

Artificial Persons: Primary Function

Cleaning Robot.

Artificial Persons: Intelligence Level

Flexible. Can make logic decisions based on information outside its original programming.

Artificial Persons: Body Type

Alienoid. Like the humanoid robot, but designed to mimic the shape of its alien creators.

Significant Events of Childhood

Characters parents split up. Mother leaves, Father never remarries

Significant Events of Adolescence

Character runs away from home ... and wanders the world, one step ahead of the authorities, living by wits. All survival skills improve in each environment (GMs Discretion).

Significant Events of Adolescence

Character runs away from home ... and joins an alien circus from offworld.


Outstanding Education.

Occupations: Occupations Selection

Occupation Group - Special Income Jobs

Occupations: Special Income Jobs

Jack of All Trades: Multi-Craftman

Crafts Table 1

Joiner: makes wooden furniture & cabinets.

Crafts Table 1

Leather Worker: makes leather goods.

Crafts Table 1

Dyer: colors woven fabrics.

Occupations: Occupations Selection

Occupation Group - High Income Jobs

Occupations: High Income Jobs

Dentist: fixes teeth that need repair.

Significant Events of Adulthood

Character develops jaded tastes for exotic and possibly expensive "pleasures."

Exotic Personality Traits: Addictions

