

~~~~ Advanced Weapon Fusions

These fusions add mystic energy to attacks, rendering each attack and hit great potency.Construction secrets of these render them useless in certain situations.Each ranged one remains active for five minutes per resolve point used to activate it.

These kind bond to ranged weapons, energy or kinetic, and affect the ammo or shot as its fired.

This list of fusions can be bonded to hand-to-hand weapons (K or E)

Also, each h-t-h fusion remains active for one minute per resolve point used to activate it.

* Includes monsters and aliens with the spellcaster type, and any spell casting classes, but not all creatures that may have supernatural. or exotic abilities.

All these advanced fusions listed in these tables can be re-activated by technomancers,

they may sacrifice a spell into the fusion, and activate the fusion for one minute per level of spell used.

In addition: The cost of an advanced fusion is more than tripled. Since the price must be paid in credits, and BP invested,

and then for construction, cost must be matched in the actual gems listed. So a Topaz Fusion costs 6,920 credits + 6,920 worth of topaz +9 BP.


Arms of the Iron God              D20                 1  Iron Gods Adventure Path
Autodoc                                               2  Technology Guide
Beam Cannon (Gravity Cannon)                          3  Iron Gods Adventure Path
Compact AI Core                                       4  Iron Gods Adventure Path
Divinity Drive                                        5  Iron Gods Adventure Path
Extinction Wave Device                                6  Technology Guide
Memory Facet (Aggression, Ego, Inhibitor)             7  Iron Gods Adventure Path
Memory Facet (Compassion, Ingenuity)                  8  Iron Gods Adventure Path
Memory Facet (Crea, Crue, Inst, Intu, Logi, Psyc)     9  I G A P
Memory Facet (Discipline, Entropy, Guile)            10  Iron Gods Adventure Path
Power Relay                                          11  Iron Gods Adventure Path
Powered Armor                                        12  Technology Guide  (CRB really)
Psychic Imprinter                                    13  Technology Guide
Rebirthing Chamber                                   14  Technology Guide
Temporal Accelerator                                 15  Technology Guide
RANDOM GADGET           LINK                         16
Re-Roll on Medical Table Below                       17
RANDOM MEDICAL ITEM     LINK                         18
RANDOM TOOL             LINK                         19
RANDOM HYBRID ITEM      LINK                         20

1 Azonite Pellets 100 credits (2d12 in pouch) D20 RANDOM MEDICAL ITEM CHART

2 Baseline 2,250 credits

3 Cardioamp 4,550 credits

4 Cureall 1,400 credits (2d6 in pouch)

5 Hemochem (Grade I) 250 credits

6 Hemochem (Grade II) 500 credits

7 Hemochem (Grade III) 750 credits

8 Hemochem (Grade IV) 1,000 credits

9-10 Hemochem (Grade V) 1,250 credits

11-12 Hype 250 credits

13-14 Soothe 200 credits

15-16 Torpinal 300 credits

17 Universal Serum 400 credits

18 Vitality Serum 500 credits

19 Vive 200 credits

20 Zortaphen 2,250 credits

~~~~ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE In my universe, A.I.s are hybrid magic items. They are a combo of computer programming, and magi-tech enhancement.

If you write a complex personality, it is just an interactive thing, will probably fail a turing test, and can be good, but is limited. Mere computers do not have souls, and if they exhibit behaviors, they are selected or faked (possibly faked well)

If you summon a spirit to be a servant, its just a short lived phenomena who will exist for but a while. Their alignments and outlooks can vary widely, but usually resemble the caster/summoner.

Here's my diagram: https://i.imgur.com/F12Rdfc.jpg ; Its a microscopic photo of the junction area of the hybrid workings. Above is the hardware of the AI, below is the magic part, the middle energies are where the advancement happens.

Somewhere in the CPU the computer will feed off and interact with the spirit storage, The harmony they set up is the "soul"

I don't care how the programming happens, can be stored in a circuit board, on a crystal matrix, holochron equivalent, doesn't matter.

The summoning of a spirit, with its duration extended to permanency by its housing a crystal, can be done in various methods, some elegant, some crude.

So, the point of all of this: Nobody has really written a perfect personality yet. Whether its coded, copied from a brain, or psychically engraved, its never perfect. It can be good, smart, and wise, but not perfect.

Also, the spirit summoning is never 100% the same. Even if a caster always taps the same type of being from the same corner of the same place, even if they're lawful and have uniform "genetics" its never 100% like the last one he summoned.

Therefore, one of the programming laws of my universe is this: Basic computers can be smart, and uniform. But have limitations. They can make decisions, but not have hunches, gut feelings, or luck. If they are emotional, its a template.

Artificial Intelligences will have personalities. They will be a combo of what was coded, and what was summoned. So a nigh infinite variety can exist.

Even if there is an assembly line that makes AIs, where a program is copied over and over onto manufactured circuits, and then a minimum wage summoner implants magic onto the crystal half, the result will never be exactly the same. Because the interaction area varies on both a mystic and molecular level. Essentially each one is a unique work of art. The variance in the interaction matrix causes variance in the created minds.

Let's say Schmozer the Techno invents a perfect AI. Named DOREX-001; it is companionable, smart, helpful, has the 3 laws, and loves intelligent lifeforms like a brother.

Eureka ! He says, copies the programming to a new frame, and summons the magic half in the exact same way. The next AI, named DOREX-002, will not be exactly the same. It could be haughty, diffident, autistic, sad, selfish, or impatient. The reason for this randomness is in the harmonic area. The junction at the molecular point cannot be precisely duplicated. A wonderful setup can not be exactly the same, no matter how good the makers are professionally.

So in game terms, the crafter spends the money, materials, and time , and makes a computer with artificial personality. And then we roll on a quirk chart, or mentality chart, central-casting, psychology, or something random. Then, as the AI awakens, the maker learns what the AI is most like, or concerned about.

If he's lucky, the AI is just an entomology nerd, or watches reality TV, is a statistics junkie, or believes in luck, or analyzes music. Then the AI will do what the maker wants, but spend some of its processing power on its preferences or hobby. Not a biggie.

If he's unlucky, the AI will do its assigned job, but has a strong quirk, such as negativity (Marvin the Robot's depression, C3P0's worries)

If the maker's luck is awful, the A.I. will have a psychosis, and will desire something terrible, like hacking bank accounts, owning slaves, or vivisection, or world domination. Then if the maker is wise, he will incinerate the AI, and make a new one. (yes the money is wasted)

However, the gamble is worth it. The vast majority of AIs are fine enough, and they learn serious skills and abilities that normal computers cannot have. They are also seriously hard to hack.

So every time the players in my game make an A.I., or encounter a new one, such as a shipmind, There's always a moment of tension as to what is this new brains preference or obsession ?

One idea I used in a homebrew game was handling brain uploading in a setting without regular body transference (as in Eclipse Phase). My homebrew solution for something like Starfinder is to have each upload running independently is a new soul in a new body, but sharing the memories of the sire at point of upload. The same person/entity can give rise to mental "family" of radically divergent entities.

I should say this line of my reasoning was inspired by Larry Niven.

In many of his books, when someone programs and builds a massive A.I. , it always has a limited lifespan, because somewhere along its journey it will run across questions like these:

  • Why are we here ?
  • Where did we come from ?
  • what was the big bang like ?
  • How did the universe form ?

Then when the AI gets curious about finding a serious, provable answer to those questions, it starts devoting more and more processor time to the research. Eventually a tipping point is reached, and the AI feels it must solve its burning questions, and it becomes handicapped for doing real computation work, because it wants to spend more and more cycles on its obsessive analysis. Eventually the AI either bricks itself or has zero percent capacity available to users and employers.

So in most Niven books, nobody builds AIs anymore. ~~~~~~