


XP 4,800 halfling starfinder

CN Small monstrous humanoid (magical) operative

Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +18

Defense: HP 115

EAC 20; KAC 21

Fort +7; Ref +10; Will +11

OFFENSE Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee dirk +15 (1d12+8 B)

Ranged darts +17 (2d6+8 P)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 8th; ranged +17) 3rd (1/day) - Handy Junkbot 2nd (3/day) - Invisibility (DC 17) 1st (at will) - Supercharge Weapon


She serves a higher power, and donates most of her ill-gotten gains to the Bastion Incantorum. She reckons 6 different spellcasters now travel the cosmos because of her sponsorship.


Str +0; Dex +6; Con +0; Int+4; Wis +2; Cha +0

Skills Engineering +23, Physical Science +23, Piloting +18

Languages Common, Halfling, Lashunta


CTR-881 Veganzer - Acid Bolt Gun Small arm - 1H Level: 6 Price: 3900 Damage: 1d8 A Range: 50 ft. Critical: Blind Capacity: 10 rounds Usage: 1 Bulk: L Special: Stun

XENAR 10 Utility Absorber Light armor Price: 17500 EAC: 10KAC: 11 Max Dex Bonus: 6 Armor Check Penalty: -1 Speed Adjustment: - Upgrade Slots: 2 Bulk: L

Neon Photonics - 2x Duelling Sword Basic melee - one-handed Level: 13 Price: 47500 Damage: 6d4 S Critical: - Bulk: L Special: Powered (capacity 20, usage 1)


Opportunistic Thief, she steals from the rich and gives to the poor wizards.


Resolve points 5

Operative abilities Trick attack +4d8, evasion, quick movement +10 ft., debilitating trick, uncanny agility, triple attack,

Operative special rules Jack All Trades, Deactivator Shot, Improved Evasion, Stunning Shot
