Executive Producer Starship


Executive Producer (Tier 3) Large destroyer

Speed 8; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 1

AC 12; TL 10 HP 150; DT n/a; CT 30

Shields Basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)

Attack (Forward) light laser cannon (2d4), light torpedo launcher (2d8)

Attack (Aft) light laser cannon (2d4) Attack (Turret) laser net (2d6)

Power Core(s) Micron Ultra (80 PCU); Drift Engine Signal Basic;

The Producer is 800 feet long, forward bridge is at left

Systems basic medium-range sensors, crew quarters (common),

Mk 3 Armor, Mk 1 Defences, Mk 2 Trinode Computer (Tier 1);

Security Anti-hacking Systems Mk 1 (Dc +1), Biometric Locks, Computer Countermeasures (Alarm, Firewall);

Expansion Bays hangar bay, tech workshop, recreation suite (trivid den)

Modifiers +2 any three checks per round, +2 Computers DR 25 versus Heat, Fire, and Radiation

The laser weapons all do triple duty as comm-links, range finders, and 3D scanning LIDARs.

The Tech Workshop can build any sort of prop or disguise, or animatronic creature.

The Trivid Den works for viewing AND producing. Its a fully functional holo editing suite.

Light Torpedo launcher can also send out film bots, camera drones, and other sensor platforms for filming.

Concept: Ship designed with movie making and film-producing in mind. Carries 4 other smaller helper vessels.


Key Grip, Gaffer, and Best-Boy (Tier 1) Small shuttle

Speed 6; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)

AC 12; TL 12 HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7

Shields Basic 10 (forward 3, port 2, starboard 2, aft 3) DR 15 versus Heat, Fire, and Radiation

Attack (Forward) light laser cannon (2d4)

Power Core(s) Micron Light (50 PCU); Drift Engine None;

Systems basic medium-range sensors, mk 1 armor, mk 1 defences, mk 1 duonode computer (tier 1);

Work Shuttles are 60 feet long, 18 feet tall (24 with fin extended)

Cockpit at the right.

Security anti-hacking systems mk 3 (DC +3), biometric locks, computer countermeasures (alarm, fake shell);

Expansion Bays recreation suite (trivid den), tech workshop, shuttle bay

Modifiers +1 any two checks per round, +2 Computers, +3 Piloting

The laser weapons all do triple duty as high-throughput comm-links, range finders, and 3D scanning LIDARs.

The Tech Workshops can build any sort of prop or disguise, or costumes, or lighting needs.

The Trivid Dens works are for viewing AND editing, but not the full monty like Producer. .

The shuttle bay can retrieve, launch and repair any kind of film bots, camera drones, and other sensor platforms


Film Work Vessel, Shuttle for the Executive Producer. These still make movies the old fashioned way with actors and props, not just a bunch of 3D sketchup FX.

All the vessels have been modified to work very close to Stars, Pulsars, and other celestial radiants.


The Foley is the 4th shuttle carried. It is much less enhanced than the 3 above and mainly ferries around anything needed: extras, crew, props, catering, and any other heavy lifting for a production.

Small shuttle Tier 1

Speed 6; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0); Drift

AC 14; TL 14 (excluding Piloting ranks) HP 35; DT –; CT 7

Shields basic 20 (forward 5, port 5, starboard 5, aft 5)

Attack (Forward) (short – 5 hexes) light laser cannon (2d4)

Attack (Turret) (long – 20 hexes) coilgun (4d4)

Power Core Micron Ultra (80 PCU); Drift Engine none

Systems basic mid-range sensors, extra light weapon mount (turret), mk 3 armor,

mk 3 defenses, mk 1 trinode computer

Expansion Bays cargo hold, guest quarters (common), Extra Power Core (12 PCU)

Modifiers +1 any three checks per round, +2 Computers, +3 Piloting; Complement 1–4

DR 10 versus Heat, Fire, and Radiation
