Year 9 Creative Expression

Subject Prospectus - English

In Creative Expression, students experiment with various forms of artistic writing and oracy. Poems, stories, anecdotes, speeches, songs, letters, reviews and memoirs are all explored. Students may work individually, in pairs, or small groups. Students will create a folio of written work that is reflective of their creativity, writing ability and understanding of different text types. Opportunities for public speaking, Eisteddfod participation and/or writing competitions will also be explored.

What will I learn?

The creative writing process is examined and students apply their knowledge of proofreading and editing to their own and others’ work. Writing conferences make up a large component of the course where students and the teacher examine creative texts and explore its strengths and weaknesses. Students will also study and apply the skills of oracy in different formats, through both formal and informal public speaking opportunities.

What will I do?

Students have the opportunity to use a range of software to flexibly and imaginatively create,  publish and present texts. Assessment is based on quantity as well as quality of writing and expression.

What will this lead to?

Students will build their skills from Year 9 and thereafter access a variety of English choices in Year 10 and beyond.

Why choose this subject?

Duration:  3 periods per week for one semester

Head of English: Kelly Brown