Year 8 Physical Education 

Subject Prospectus - PE

Physical Education contributes significantly to the cognitive, physical, social and emotional development of students. It provides opportunities for students to learn about, and practise, ways of adopting and maintaining a healthy, productive and active life. It also involves students learning through movement, experiences that are both challenging and enjoyable, and improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence in a variety of contexts.

What will I learn?

It aims to promote the value of physical activity in their lives. Throughout the course, students will develop skills in communicating, decision-making, interacting, planning and problem solving.

What will I do?

The areas of Physical Education and Sport are all covered in Year 8 to give students the basic understanding and skills within each discipline. Physical Education develops motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge through the introduction of games, athletics and fitness. Students learn to identify factors that influence their motivation to be physically active.

What will this lead to?

Students will build their skills into year 9 and  a variety of choices.

Why choose this subject?

Sport Education aims to deliver extensive opportunities for all students to experience a wide variety of sporting and recreational activities.

Duration: 3 lessons PE for the week for the duration of the year.

Head of PE: Amanda Sutton