Year 9 3D Product Design

Subject Prospectus - Technology

Yr9 3D Product Design

This unit is based on the introduction of the Design process using 21st century skills and techniques to design and produce a product. They will be introduced to the CNC Router, Laser Cutter and 3D printers in further detail and choosing the appropriate software to use them. They will also get the opportunity to develop the understanding of coding and how it is linked with modern manufacturing. 

All students undertaking this unit must be competent in the area of safe work practices.

What will I learn?

Students will be introduced to various manufacturing software and learn how they can be used to create an individualised product, using either the CNC Router, Laser Cutter or 3D Printer. They will learn the importance of developing prototypes, before completing their final product. Throughout this process they will continue to improve their understanding of the design process and the importance of the end user.

What will I do?

Project examples could include: making their own Bluetooth speaker, creating a piece of flat pack furniture, design possibilities are endless when looking into using 21st century equipment.

What will this lead to?

Further development of the design process and knowledge of the software at this level will benefit future Year 10 studies in a number of fields, including various Technology units and the Arts. CNC machines and Laser Cutters are commonly used in industries like cabinet making, sign making, woodworking and furniture fabrication. Gaining an understanding of 3D Printing can lead to a wide variety of careers, from Engineering, Architecture, Food Industry, Mechanical, Medicine, the possibilities are endless.

Why choose this subject?

3 periods per week for one semester (2 terms)

Head of Art/Technology: Maree Brennan