Year 8 Music Elective

Subject Prospectus - The Arts


The aim of the Music course in Year 8 is to develop an understanding of the concepts of music and to develop skills for creating, performing and listening to music.

What will I learn?

You will learn about different elements of music theory, including time signatures and how to understand the different parts of music. You will learn to perform on instruments in a solo or group capacity. You will learn how to use GarageBand to aid your musicianship and engage with music based technology. 

What will I do?

You will examine different musical genres, work with others to perform in different musical contexts and 

What will this lead to?

Students will build their skills to prepare for a Year 9 level, at which point they might like to select Music as their Year 9 elective. Students may also like to pursue music through our instrumental program. 

Why do this subject?

Duration 3 periods per week for one semester

Head of Art/Technology: Maree Brennan