Year 10 Science

Science In The Real World

Subject Prospectus - Science

This elective takes a look at the importance of Science in our everyday lives.

What will I learn? 

Students will study topics including: 


Scientific Method:  


Water Chemistry:  

Motion and Car Safety:  

What will I do? 

Study and analyse various sciences in everyday life, including practical investigations, theories and research. This will enable the student to think creatively and critically.  

What will this lead to? 

The skills and knowledge gained in this subject will be valuable for students planning to study VCE Chemistry, Biology or Physics. 

Why choose this subject? 

Science Guidelines 

To learn about Science in a broader sense and gain an understanding of how the world and it’s people work, rather than a specialised area. 

To be considered for a VCE subject, students will need to have successfully completed two electives of Year 10 Science as outlined in the table below: 


5 periods per week for one semester 

Contact/Further Information: Chloe Hammond